Investigation of mycotoxins in different beers with several clean-up techniques using the Mycotoxin Screening System
Postery | 2017 | Shimadzu | AOACInstrumentace
ZaměřeníPotraviny a zemědělství
Klíčová slovaflour, mycotoxins, spiked, regulated, infestation, niv, produced, codex, nivalenol, aflatoxin, ota, deoxynivalenol, fungal, screening, harvest, don, beers, several, ochratoxin, grain, mycotoxin, non, loqs, beer, product, different, investigation, fluorescence, cartridges, quantified, examples, european, japan, min, therefore, targeted, curves, below, matrices, interest, system, clean, end, techniques, can, could, chromatogram, maximum, target, sample
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Investigation of mycotoxins in different beers with several clean-up techniques using the Mycotoxin Screening System
Investigation of mycotoxins in different beers with several clean-up techniques using the Mycotoxin Screening System Carola Schultz1; Philipp Jochems1, Robert Ludwig1, Gesa Schad1 1Shimadzu Europa GmbH, Duisburg, Germany 1. Introduction 3. Results Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites, produced by fungi and…
Klíčová slova
mycotoxins, mycotoxinsota, otaspiked, spikedniv, nivdon, donnon, nonregulated, regulatedeuropean, europeaninfestation, infestationproduced, producedcodex, codexnivalenol, nivalenolharvest, harvestdeoxynivalenol, deoxynivalenolfungal
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Klíčová slova
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[ APPLICATION NOTE ] LC-MS/MS Method Development and Validation for the Quantitative Determination of Regulated Mycotoxins in Cereal Grain Flours Using Simplified Sample Preparation Conditions on Xevo TQ-XS Nicola Dreolin and Sara Stead Waters Corporation, Wilmslow, UK APPLICATION BENEFITS INTRODUCTION…
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oat, oatflour, flourmycotoxins, mycotoxinsota, otazea, zeamix, mixniv, nivdon, donregulated, regulatedmethod, methodquantitative, quantitativevalidation, validationxevo, xevocereal, cerealrsdr
Analytical techniques for determination of mycotoxins in barley, malt and beer: A review
2019||Vědecké články
KVASNÝ PRŮMYSL Kvasny prumysl (2019) 65: 46–57 Analytical techniques for determination of mycotoxins in barley, malt and beer: A review Marek Pernica1*, Karim C. Piacentini2, Karolína Benešová1, Josef Čáslavský1,3, Sylvie Běláková1 1 2 3 Research Institute of Brewing and…
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