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Bruker Product Overview - Life Science Mass Spectrometry

Brožury a specifikace | 2020 | BrukerInstrumentace
GC/MSD, GC/MS/MS, GC/QQQ, Iontová mobilita, Software, MALDI, HPLC, LC/TOF, LC/HRMS, LC/MS, LC/MS/MS, LC/QQQ, LC/Ultra-HRMS, LC/IT
Klíčová slova
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timsTOF MALDI Guided SpatialOMx Innovation with Integrity TIMS-MALDI MS MALDI Guided SpatialOMx The tumor microenvironment is a highly variable ecosystem, giving it an intrinsic temporal character. De-coding the cellular communication within the tumor microenvironment via label-free MALDI Imaging and x-omics…
Klíčová slova
maldi, malditimstof, timstofspatialomx, spatialomxflex, fleximaging, imagingbruker, brukerlaunches, launchesscils, scilstumor, tumorpasef, pasefmicroenvironment, microenvironmenttissue, tissueomics, omicslab, labtims
High Speed, High Lateral Resolution Lipid Imaging using a timsTOF fleX Changes in lipid profiles are known to occur in response to stress and disease. This structurally and functionally diverse class of compounds play important roles in various biological processes…
Klíčová slova
timstof, timstofmaldi, maldiflex, flexmsi, msipixels, pixelsbrain, brainrapiflex, rapiflexhigh, highlipid, lipidmass, massemerged, emergedtof, tofbruker, brukeraxial, axialsections
Bruker MRMS Applications Handbook
MRMS Applications Handbook Cutting-Edge Research in MALDI Imaging, Metabolomics/Phenomics, Native MS and Petroleomics Innovation with Integrity MRMS Dear Mass Spec Customer, Thank you for your interest in Bruker's scimaX® and solariX-series instruments. Powered by MRMS (Magnetic Resonance Mass Spectrometry), this…
Klíčová slova
maldi, maldiimaging, imagingmrms, mrmsbruker, brukermass, masssolarix, solarixmolecular, molecularwere, werespectrometry, spectrometrytissue, tissuedaltonics, daltonicscontinually, continuallyreserves, reservesmetabolites, metabolitescrude
Intensity (arb. unit) 132% 0% 100% PS 38:1 m/z 816.5747 ± 0.0122 1/K0 1.433 ± 0.01 Intensity (arb. unit) Mobility [1/K0] 136% 0% 100% PE 20:1_22:6 m/z 816.5517 ± 0.0122 1/K0 1.404 ± 0.01 m/z 1 mm CCS-aware SpatialOMx® enables…
Klíčová slova
ccs, ccsmaldi, maldispatialomx, spatialomximaging, imagingaware, awareannotation, annotationtims, timsannotated, annotatedmobility, mobilityannotations, annotationsbucket, bucketpasef, paseflipid, lipidsegmentation, segmentationlipids
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.