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SelexION® Technology: The Solution to Selectivity Challenges in Quantitative Analysis
SelexION® Technology: The Solution to Selectivity Challenges in Quantitative Analysis Differential Mobility Separations Enhanced with Chemical Modifiers: A Higher Dimension in Selectivity High selectivity is a key component of successful quantitative analysis. The ever-increasing sensitivity and throughput requirements of MS…
Klíčová slova
selexion, selexiondifferential, differentialmobility, mobilitydms, dmsday, dayplanar, planarcov, covmrm, mrmtechnology, technologybioanalytical, bioanalyticalintra, intrahigh, highfield, fieldcell, cellkey
Differential Mobility Separation for Improving Lipidomic Analysis by Mass Spectrometry
Differential Mobility Separation for Improving Lipidomic Analysis by Mass Spectrometry SelexION® Technology on QTRAP® Systems Paul RS Baker1, J. Larry Campbell2, Eva Duchoslav2 and Christie Hunter1 1 SCIEX, USA; 2SCIEX, Canada In recent years, the biochemical study of lipids has…
Klíčová slova
selexion, selexiondms, dmslipid, lipidtechnology, technologyphospholipid, phospholipidresolve, resolveclasses, classesspecies, speciesion, iondifferential, differentialcov, covmolecular, molecularseparation, separationoverlap, overlaplipidomic
Direct Analysis of Glyphosate, AMPA, and Other Polar Pesticides in Food
Application Note Food Testing & Agriculture Direct Analysis of Glyphosate, AMPA, and Other Polar Pesticides in Food Ion exchange LC/MS/MS with the Agilent 1260 Infinity II bio-inert LC and the Agilent 6495A triple quadrupole LC/MS Authors Jerry Zweigenbaum and Derick…
Klíčová slova
glyphosate, glyphosatefosetyl, fosetylethephon, ethephonglufosinate, glufosinatewine, wineampa, ampahepa, hepamppa, mppacounts, countsinternal, internalstrawberry, strawberrypepper, peppersoy, soyfood, foodcorn
Quantitation of Limaprost, an Analogue of PGE1 in Human Plasma
Quantitation of Limaprost, an Analogue of PGE1 in Human Plasma A highly simplified and sensitive assay using the QTRAP® 6500+ LC-MS/MS system and the SelexION®+ differential mobility separation technology device 1 Chao Zhang; 1Dandan Si; 2Xiangjun Meng; 2Lei Yin; 2Jingkai…
Klíčová slova
limaprost, limaprostselexion, selexiondms, dmsmobility, mobilitydevice, devicetechnology, technologysubpg, subpgantiplatelet, antiplateletdifferential, differentialvasodilatory, vasodilatoryseparation, separationlloq, lloqinterferences, interferencesendogenous, endogenousions
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.