Rapid Identification and Quantification of Novel Psychoactive Substances in Human Whole Blood Using SWATH® Acquisition
Aplikace | 2020 | SCIEXInstrumentace
ZaměřeníForenzní analýza a toxikologie
Klíčová slovanps, swath, identification, drug, fragment, acquisition, extraction, forensic, fentanyl, fubinaca, valerylfentanyl, sciex, lle, pentylone, quantitation, searching, analyte, confident, comprehensive, mass, whole, ion, psychoactive, blood, area, quantification, workflow, processing, all, novel, ratio, accurate, curves, high, clonazelam, dmbdb, flubromazelam, swathacquisition, human, library, using, emerging, provides, screening, determinations, flutoprazepam, demonstrated, liquid, reliably, dibutylone
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