Analysis of Mycotoxins in Food Matrices Using the Agilent Ultivo Triple Quadrupole LC/MS
Aplikace | 2019 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
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VýrobceAgilent Technologies
Klíčová slovapositive, pepper, mycotoxins, peanut, ultivo, corn, deoxynivalenol, agilent, ochratoxin, mycotoxin, black, zearalenone, included, zea, ota, response, triple, ppb, don, levels, regulated, commission, emr, captiva, matrix, counts, quadrupole, concentration, lipid, were, maximum, food, purchased, six, compounds, heidolph, method, joni, regulation, sensitive, hei, time, union, precision, application, jet, innovative, using, nonexpert, recovery
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ANALYSIS OF MYCOTOXINS IN FOOD MATRICES - Agilent Ultivo Triple Quadrupole LC/MS System
2017|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
ANALYSIS OF MYCOTOXINS IN FOOD MATRICES Agilent Ultivo Triple Quadrupole LC/MS System Introduction Mycotoxins are compounds produced by fungi that grow on crops ranging from grains to fruits, vegetables, nuts, and spices. Mycotoxins can be harmful to humans and livestock…
Klíčová slova
ultivo, ultivopeanut, peanutcorn, cornmycotoxins, mycotoxinsincluded, includedpepper, pepperblack, blackresponse, responsesum, summycotoxin, mycotoxintriple, triplecounts, countsconcentration, concentrationzearalenone, zearalenoneochratoxin
Multi-Mycotoxin Analysis CrossTOX® Sample Clean-up and Matrix Removal
APPLICATION NOTE | AN0042 Multi-Mycotoxin Analysis CrossTOX ® Sample Clean-up and Matrix Removal APPLICATION NOTE | AN0042 | As of: July 2020, Version: 1.1 APPLICATION NOTE | AN0042 Content 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 3 2. Method Development .............................................................................................................................. 4 2.1…
Klíčová slova
afla, afladon, donochratoxin, ochratoxinstc, stcota, otamycotoxin, mycotoxinzea, zeaniv, nivmatrices, matricespeanut, peanutspelt, speltlabelled, labelledpistachio, pistachioalmonds, almondsnutmeg
Quantitation of Mycotoxins in Four Food Matrices Comparing Stable Isotope Dilution Assay (SIDA) with Matrix Matched Calibration Methods by LC-MS/MS
Quantitation of Mycotoxins in Four Food Matrices Comparing Stable Isotope Dilution Assay (SIDA) with Matrix Matched Calibration Methods by LC-MS/MS Dan Li, Justin Steimling, Joseph Konschnik, Ty Kahler; Restek Corporation Abstract & Introduction Results and Discussion Mycotoxins are secondary fungal…
Klíčová slova
corn, cornsida, sidapeanut, peanutwheat, wheatcalibration, calibrationrice, ricebrown, brownmatrix, matrixmycotoxins, mycotoxinsmatched, matcheddeoxynivalenol, deoxynivalenolincurred, incurredzearalenone, zearalenonemix, mixochratoxin
Mycotoxin Analysis in Foods by SFE-SFC-MS
PO-CON1709E Mycotoxin Analysis in Foods by SFE-SFC-MS Pittcon 2017 2050-10P Kenichiro Tanaka, William Hedgepeth, Tairo Ogura Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc., Columbia, Maryland Mycotoxin Analysis in Foods by SFE-SFC-MS Introduction Mycotoxins are low-molecular-weight natural products produced by fungi and are capable…
Klíčová slova
sfe, sfesfc, sfcmycotoxin, mycotoxinfoods, foodszearalenone, zearalenonedeoxynivalenol, deoxynivalenolpeanut, peanutbpr, bprbutter, buttercorn, cornmycotoxins, mycotoxinsput, putvessel, vesselunit, unitnexera