Amino acid analysis of mammalian cell culture medium by liquid chromatography with UV and fluorescence detection and derivatization with 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl carbamate
Aplikace | 2019 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentace
ZaměřeníKlinická analýza
VýrobceThermo Fisher Scientific
Klíčová slovavanquish, amino, bioreactor, aqc, derivatization, his, horizon, hydroxsuccinimide, acid, reproducibility, absorbance, binary, acids, derivatized, cell, culture, thermo, stock, mau, scientific, medium, time, solution, were, method, flex, min, over, quaternary, mammalian, standard, injections, lifetime, histidine, reaction, long, calibration, term, year, pump, nva, concentration, autosampler, count, pro, counts, norvaline, daily, uhplc, three
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HPLC determination of biogenic amines in beer
2022|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
Application note | 000755 Food safety HPLC determination of biogenic amines in beer Authors Application benefits Michaela S. Scherz, Sylvia Grosse, • A sensitive reversed-phase HPLC method for the analysis of nine biogenic amines in beer Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germering,…
Klíčová slova
histamine, histaminephenylethylamine, phenylethylaminespermine, sperminetyramine, tyraminecadaverine, cadaverineputrescine, putrescineagmatine, agmatinetryptamine, tryptamineamines, aminesamq, amqbeer, beerspermidine, spermidineagmantine, agmantinebiogenic, biogenicamine
Amino Acid Analysis - Application Notebook
[ APPLICATION NOTEBOOK ] Amino Acid Analysis Application Notebook [ CONTENTS ] [ INTRODUCTION ] Waters UPLC Amino Acid Analysis Solution................................................................................9 UPLC Amino Acid Analysis Solution............................................................................................... 11 Enhancement of the UPLC Amino Acid Analysis Solution with Flexible Detector Options......................................................................................................... 15…
Klíčová slova
amino, aminoacid, aciduplc, uplcasp, aspala, alalys, lysleu, leutyr, tyrarg, arggly, glyser, serthr, thrglu, gluile, ileval
HPLC determination of biogenic amines in beer by AQC derivatization
2022|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Postery
HPLC determination of biogenic amines in beer by AQC derivatization Michaela Scherz, Frank Steiner, Sylvia Grosse, Mauro De Pra, Tibor Muellner Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germering, Germany Abstract Purpose: To develop a reversed-phase method for the analysis of biogenic amines in…
Klíčová slova
loq, loqamines, aminesbeer, beerbiogenic, biogenicaqc, aqcfluorescence, fluorescenceagm, agmtryptamine, tryptaminespm, spmhistamine, histaminederivatization, derivatizationquenching, quenchingcad, cadtyr, tyrthermo
HPLC determination of biogenic amines in beer by AQC derivatization
2022|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Postery
HPLC determination of biogenic amines in beer by AQC derivatization Michaela Scherz, Frank Steiner, Sylvia Grosse, Mauro De Pra Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germering, Germany ABSTRACT Purpose: To develop a reversed-phase method for the analysis of biogenic amines in beer, based…
Klíčová slova
amines, aminesbeer, beerbiogenic, biogenicaqc, aqcagm, agmtryptamine, tryptamineloq, loqspm, spmfluorescence, fluorescencevanquish, vanquishderivatization, derivatizationcad, cadtyr, tyrphe, phehplc