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Multi-mycotoxin Screening and Quantitation Using UHPLC, High Resolution and Accurate Mass


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Multi-mycotoxin Screening and Quantitation Using UHPLC, High Resolution and Accurate Mass
Application Note: 51961 Multi-mycotoxin Screening and Quantitation Using UHPLC, High Resolution and Accurate Mass Milena Zachariášová, Jana Hajšlová, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic Michal Godula, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Prague, Czech Republic Introduction Key Words • Exactive LC-MS •…
Klíčová slova
zearalenol, zearalenolalternariol, alternariolergocristine, ergocristineochratoxin, ochratoxinmycotoxin, mycotoxinmass, massmycotoxins, mycotoxinsscientific, scientificdeepoxydeoxynivalenol, deepoxydeoxynivalenolergosin, ergosinverrucarol, verrucarolmethylether, methyletherlcl, lclaltenuene, altenueneergocorninine
Simultaneous Determination of Alternaria Toxins, Ergot Alkaloid Epimers , and Other Major Mycotoxins in Various Food Matrices by LC MS/MS
Simultaneous Determination of Alternaria Toxins, Ergot Alkaloid Epimers, and Other Major Mycotoxins in Various Food Matrices by LC-MS/MS Shun-Hsin Liang, Jamie York, Joe Konschnik, Hansjoerg Majer, Justin Steimling; Restek Corporation Abstract & Introduction Sample and Matrix-Matched Standards Preparation Various food…
Klíčová slova
alternariol, alternariolergometrinine, ergometrinineergotaminine, ergotamininemonomethylether, monomethyletherergometrine, ergometrinealtenuene, altenueneergocorninine, ergocorninineergosine, ergosineergocristinine, ergocristinineergosinine, ergosinineergocryptinine, ergocryptinineergocristine, ergocristineergotamine, ergotaminetentoxin, tentoxintenuazonic
Simultaneous Determination of Alternaria Toxins, Ergot Alkaloid Epimers, and Other Major Mycotoxins in Various Food Matrices by LC-MS/MS
Simultaneous Determination of Alternaria Toxins, Ergot Alkaloid Epimers, and Other Major Mycotoxins in Various Food Matrices by LC-MS/MS Diego A. Lopez, Shun-Hsin Liang, and Justin Steimling; Restek Corporation, Bellefonte, PA, USA. Abstract & Introduction Sample and Matrix-Matched Standards Preparation Further…
Klíčová slova
alternariol, alternarioltenuazonic, tenuazonicnsb, nsbergometrinine, ergometrinineergometrine, ergometrineergotaminine, ergotamininemonomethylether, monomethyletheraltenuene, altenueneergocorninine, ergocorninineergosine, ergosineergocristinine, ergocristinineergosinine, ergosinineergocristine, ergocristineergocryptinine, ergocryptinineergocryptine
Simultaneous Determination of Alternaria Toxins, Ergot Alkaloid Epimers, and Other Major Mycotoxins in Various Food Matrices by LC-MS/MS
Simultaneous Determination of Alternaria Toxins, Ergot Alkaloid Epimers, and Other Major Mycotoxins in Various Food Matrices by LC-MS/MS Diego A. Lopez, Shun-Hsin Liang, Justin Steimling, Melinda Urich, and Jared Burkhart; Restek Corporation, Bellefonte, PA, USA. Abstract & Introduction Sample and…
Klíčová slova
alternariol, alternarioltenuazonic, tenuazonicnsb, nsbergometrinine, ergometrinineergometrine, ergometrineergotaminine, ergotamininemonomethylether, monomethyletheraltenuene, altenueneergocorninine, ergocorninineergosine, ergosineergocristinine, ergocristinineergosinine, ergosinineergocristine, ergocristineergocryptinine, ergocryptinineergocryptine
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