Evaluating BioAccord LC-MS System Performance for Deployment of a Compact, SmartMS-Enabled Biopharma Solution in Late Stage Development and QC Environment – Intact Mass Analysis
Aplikace | 2020 | WatersInstrumentace
ZaměřeníKlinická analýza
Klíčová slovabioaccord, system, inter, glycoforms, intact, five, intra, reproducibility, major, mass, rsd, study, systems, abundance, brief, deployment, week, experiment, relative, six, glycosylation, routine, evaluating, forms, mab, concerted, displayed, technology, use, had, spectrometry, stable, acquity, showed, trending, analysis, skilled, based, show, robust, glycoform, rda, flr, waters, poses, physically, launch, accuracies, month, retrospective
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Evaluating BioAccord System Performance in Late Stage Development and QC Environment – Peptide Mapping Analysis
2020|Waters|Technické články
[ TECHNOLOGY BRIEF ] Evaluating BioAccord System Performance in Late Stage Development and QC Environment – Peptide Mapping Analysis Henry Shion, Nilini Ranbaduge, Jon Pugh, Rob Lewis, Ying Qing Yu, and Weibin Chen Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA Inter- and…
Klíčová slova
bioaccord, bioaccordpeptide, peptidemapping, mappingsystem, systeminter, interlate, lateintra, intraassays, assaysbrief, briefmass, massacquity, acquityabundance, abundanceretention, retentionwaters, watersdigest
SmartMS-ENABLED LC-MS SYSTEM FOR BIOTHERAPEUTIC DEVELOPMENT IN REGULATED/NON-REGULATED ENVIRONMENTS Henry Shion1; Mellisa Ly2; Nilini Ranbaduge1; Ximo Zhang1; Yun Alelyunas1; Ying Qing Yu1; Jason Rouse2; and Weibin Chen1 1 Waters Corporation, Milford, MA 01757; 2Biotherapeutics Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pfizer, Inc., Andover, MA…
Klíčová slova
intact, intactdar, darbioaccord, bioaccordsmartms, smartmspeptide, peptideinstrument, instrumentmethods, methodsprotein, proteinreproducibility, reproducibilityworkflow, workflowautomated, automatedsystem, systemregulated, regulatedcomparable, comparableday
Enabling Routine and Reproducible Intact Mass Analysis When Data Integrity Matters
Application Note Enabling Routine and Reproducible Intact Mass Analysis When Data Integrity Matters Henry Shion, Ying Qing Yu, Weibin Chen Waters Corporation Abstract This application note demonstrates the performance of an integrated intact mass analysis workflow using the BioAccord System…
Klíčová slova
intact, intactglycoforms, glycoformsmass, massmab, mabbioaccord, bioaccordrda, rdaanalysis, analysissetup, setupsubunit, subunitoptical, opticalacquity, acquitycomposition, compositionregulated, regulatedsystem, systembiotherapeutic
Multi-Attribute Methods for Biopharmaceutical Analysis
[ APPLICATION NOTEBOOK ] Multi-Attribute Methods for Biopharmaceutical Analysis Application Notes [ APPLICATION NOTEBOOK ] Introduction The adoption of LC-MS-based multi-attribute method (MAM) analysis for routine monitoring of biotherapeutic variation has progressed greatly over the last five years. The ability…
Klíčová slova
notebook, notebookattribute, attributebiopharmaceutical, biopharmaceuticalreturn, returnmulti, multimam, mamapplication, applicationcontents, contentspeptide, peptideattributes, attributesmethods, methodsacquity, acquitymab, mabbioaccord, bioaccordmonitoring