Quick Estimation of the Freshness and the Level of Putrefaction in Fish Meat Using Nexera™ Dual Injection System
Aplikace | 2020 | ShimadzuInstrumentace
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Quick Estimation of the Freshness and the Level of Putrefaction in Fish Meat Using Nexera Dual Injection System
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histamine, histamineatp, atptuna, tunahxr, hxryellowfin, yellowfinacids, acidshistidine, histidineamino, aminocompounds, compoundsrelated, relatedalanine, alanineimp, impspoiled, spoiledanserine, anserinecarnosine
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atp, atphxr, hxradp, adpimp, impamp, ampfreshness, freshnessfish, fishshellfish, shellfishvalue, valuetuna, tunaȝmol, ȝmolsupernatant, supernatantrelated, relatedmuscles, musclesnews
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acid, acidmau, mauanalysis, analysismobile, mobilemin, mincolumn, columnphase, phaseshim, shimnexera, nexerainjection, injectionpack, packorganic, organicatp, atppantothenate, pantothenateacids
Analysis of Foods Using Nexera™ Post-Column Amino Acid Analysis System
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