High Speed Analysis of Anionic Surfactants
Aplikace | 2019 | ShimadzuInstrumentace
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Klíčová slovaods, shim, surfactants, anionic, pack, concentration, ministerial, ordinance, prominence, peaks, mixture, standard, speed, repeatabilities, news, areas, complying, high, without, afford, recognize, chromatogram, branched, twenty, specifies, analysis, mobile, classified, provided, recognition, columns, adopted, system, chains, applicability, column, diluting, introduces, creating, calibration, volume, article, rate, approximately, half, phase, stainless, pretreatment, thus, steel
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Analysis of Anionic Surfactants by Prominence-i and RF-20Axs Fluorescence Detector
LAAN-A-LC-E254 Application News L477 High Performance Liquid Chromatography Analysis of Anionic Surfactants by Prominence-i and RF-20Axs Fluorescence Detector No. According to the Ministerial Ordinance on Water Quality Standards 1) , an HPLC method using a fluorescence detector has been adopted…
Klíčová slova
anionic, anionictap, tapsurfactants, surfactantswater, waterpeaks, peaksprominence, prominencersd, rsdspiked, spikedstandard, standardaccordance, accordanceresolve, resolvefluorescence, fluorescencemin, minministerial, ministerialclassifying
Analysis of Anionic Surfactants Using Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Based on Water Quality Standards
High Performance Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer LCMS-8050RX Application News Analysis of Anionic Surfactants Using Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Based on Water Quality Standards Saho Yoshioka and Kazuhiro Kawakami User Benefits Anionic surfactants stipulated in Japan’s Drinking Water Quality Standards…
Klíčová slova
mhlw, mhlwtap, tapwater, waterconcentration, concentrationsurfactants, surfactantsrecovery, recoverydrinking, drinkinganionic, anionicintra, intraministerial, ministerialprecision, precisionratio, ratiocompound, compoundordinance, ordinancearea
RF-20A Fluorescence Detector Basics and Applications
2010|Shimadzu|Technické články
C190-E133 RF-20A Fluorescence Detector Basics and Applications Te ch n i ca l R e p o r t vo l .3 6 1. Basics of Fluorescence Detection Technique When light of a specific wavelength (excitation wavelength) is irradiated onto…
Klíčová slova
flowrate, flowratetemperature, temperaturecys, cysmobile, mobiledetection, detectionfluorescence, fluorescencemin, minexcitation, excitationphase, phasethr, thrser, serglu, glucolumn, columnexcited, excitedreaction
Analysis of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate in environmental water using online SPE LC system coupled with LC-MS/MS
PO-CON1326E Analysis of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate in environmental water using online SPE LC system coupled with LC-MS/MS ASMS 2013 WP03-028 Benjamin Figard1, Keiko Matsumoto2, Jun Watanabe2, Yoshihiro Hayakawa2 1 SHIMADZU SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS,INC., Columbia, MD; 2 SHIMADZU CORPORATION, Kyoto, Japan Analysis…
Klíčová slova
alkylbenzene, alkylbenzenesulfonate, sulfonatewater, wateronline, onlinespe, spelas, lascoupled, coupledenvironmental, environmentalriver, riversystem, systemlinear, linearpreparation, preparationusing, usingcolumn, columnanalysis