Fully automated forensic screening of dried bloodspots with MRM Spectrum Mode
Postery | 2019 | ShimadzuInstrumentace
ZaměřeníForenzní analýza a toxikologie
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Fully automated forensic screening of dried bloodspots with MRM Spectrum Mode (MP 099)
PO-CON1861E Fully automated forensic screening of dried bloodspots with MRM Spectrum Mode ASMS 2019 MP 099 Davor Fielitz1, Stefan Gaugler2, Jana Rykl3, Maha Khalid Almazraoua4, Matthias Grill5, Vincente L. Cebolla6, Asem Quanair7 1 Shimadzu Deutschland, Germany; 2 CAMAG, Switzerland; 3…
Klíčová slova
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[ APPLICATION NOTEBOOK ] Forensic Toxicology Application Notebook BATTLING THE PROLIFERATION OF DRUGS IS NOT EASY. IDENTIFYING THEM CAN BE. FORENSIC TOXICOLOGY PHARMACEUTICAL As new forms of “designer” drugs threaten public safety, there is an immediate need for advanced ways…
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Shimadzu Solutions for Application Notebook - Clinical Research - Application Notebook
C10G-E055 Solutions for Clinical Research Application Notebook First Edition: March, 2018 © Shimadzu Corporation, 2018 Solutions for Clinical Research Index Application Notebook Therapeutic Drug Monitoring High-Throughput Optimization of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Using Fully Automated Sample Preparation LC-MS/MS System (CLAM-2000 +…
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2010|Agilent Technologies|Příručky
SOLUTIONS THAT MEET YOUR DEMANDS FOR FORENSIC TOXICOLOGY Excellent choices for forensic toxicology applications products I applications I software I services FORENSIC TOXICOLOGY > Search entire document Forensic toxicology analysis determines the absence or presence of drugs and their metabolites,…
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