A Comprehensive N-Glycan Profiling Analysis of Bevacizumab Biosimilar by UHPLC with Fluorescence Detection and Q-TOF Mass Spectrometry
Postery | 2019 | ShimadzuInstrumentace
ZaměřeníFarmaceutická analýza
Klíčová slovaglycans, glycan, fluorescence, mass, uhplc, bevacizumab, biosimilars, gobal, nglycan, interface, nexera, abundant, oligomannose, glycosylations, manose, bio, profiling, temperature, tof, acetylglucosamine, glcnac, system, era, copies, closest, coupled, biosimilar, scan, min, fructose, galactose, flow, comprising, excitation, conditions, gas, mobile, identification, compositions, energies, spectrometry, biopharmaceutical, patterns, generic, entering, nebulizing, variations, exact, hybrid, market
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N-glycan Profiling of monoclonal Antibody (mAb) on Nexera Bio UHPLC Coupled with Fluorescence Detector and Q-TOF Mass Spectrometer
Application News No. AD-0191 Biopharma / NexeraTM Bio UHPLC / LCMSTM-9030 N-glycan Profiling of monoclonal Antibody (mAb) on Nexera Bio UHPLC Coupled with Fluorescence Detector and Q-TOF Mass Spectrometer Yonghai Lu and Zhaoqi Zhan Application Development & Support Centre, Shimadzu…
Klíčová slova
glycans, glycansnews, newsnexera, nexerauhplc, uhplcglycan, glycanfluorescence, fluorescencebio, bioasn, asnbiosimilar, biosimilarapplication, applicationcyanoborohydrate, cyanoborohydratehybird, hybirdludgerclean, ludgercleanshimadzu, shimadzumass
An Easy and Fast Approach for Monoclonal Antibody N-linked Glycan Analysis from Sample Preparation to Data Analysis
Biopharma / NexeraTM Application News An Easy and Fast Approach for Monoclonal Antibody N-linked Glycan Analysis from Sample Preparation to Data Analysis Yonghai Lu, Siew qi Yap, Tian Hua Wang, Zhaoqi Zhan User Benefits ◆ A simple and straightforward sample…
Klíčová slova
glycans, glycansglycan, glycannexera, nexeraglcnac, glcnacglycoautopreptm, glycoautopreptmuhplc, uhplcezglycotm, ezglycotmshimadzu, shimadzuworkflow, workflowoligomannose, oligomannosefluorescence, fluorescencemab, mabmonoclonal, monoclonalprofiles, profilespreparation
No. SSI-LCMS-116 Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry No. LCMS-116 N-Linked Glycans Analysis of Monoclonal Antibodies, Biosimilars, and Glycoproteins with High Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Fluorescence Detection using Restek’s Raptor Polar X Column and Protein Metrics’ Software Suite ■ Introduction Therapeutic antibodies…
Klíčová slova
asn, asnglycans, glycansglycan, glycandetached, detachedavastin, avastinmannose, mannoseraptor, raptorlinked, linkedglcnac, glcnacrnaseb, rnasebrestek, restekmetrics, metricsreleased, releasedfluorescence, fluorescencepolar
Automated Switching between Peptide and Glycan Mapping with the Agilent 1290 Infinity II LC System
2021|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Application Note Biopharma/Pharma Automated Switching between Peptide and Glycan Mapping with the Agilent 1290 Infinity II LC System Increased productivity and flexibility in the characterization of monoclonal antibodies Authors Gerd Vanhoenacker, Aurélie Terrier, Gianni Vandenborre, Pat Sandra, and Koen Sandra…
Klíčová slova
glycan, glycanpeptide, peptideoriginator, originatortrastuzumab, trastuzumabmapping, mappingcounts, countsbiosimilar, biosimilaracquisition, acquisitionadvancebio, advancebiounits, unitsresponse, responsefld, fldinstantpc, instantpccho, chorituximab