Authentication and Geographical Origin Analysis of Plant - Derived Edible Oil Using the SCIEX X500R QTOF System
Aplikace | 2019 | SCIEXInstrumentace
ZaměřeníPotraviny a zemědělství
Klíčová slovaoil, markerview, authenticity, oils, olive, geographical, tags, lipidview, fatty, origin, edible, lipid, tag, markers, dbs, glycerols, acids, were, bonds, imported, countries, differences, lipids, analysis, triacylglycerols, sunflower, plant, acyl, cooking, soybean, peak, double, subtraction, kinds, sciex, tof, software, identification, from, marker, substraction, constituents, chains, using, identified, chromatographyatmospheric, stability, can, intuitive, data
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Extra-virgin olive oil authentication: triacylglycerol profiling and machine learning using the Shimadzu MALDI-8020/MALDI-8030 and eMSTAT Solution
MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry Analysis Application News MALDI-8030 Extra-virgin olive oil authentication: triacylglycerol profiling and machine learning using the Shimadzu MALDI-8020/MALDI-8030 and eMSTAT Solution™ S. Salivo User Benefits Minimal sample preparation which does not require labor-intensive procedures and excessive solvent…
Klíčová slova
evoo, evoosunflower, sunflowermachine, machinelearning, learningadulterated, adulteratedtag, tagmultivariate, multivariateoil, oilemstat, emstatldi, ldishimadzu, shimadzuanalysis, analysisclassification, classificationauc, aucpca
Extra-virgin olive oil authentication: triacylglycerol profiling and machine learning using the Shimadzu MALDI-8020/MALDI-8030 and eMSTAT Solution
MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry Analysis Application News MALDI-8030 Extra-virgin olive oil authentication: triacylglycerol profiling and machine learning using the Shimadzu MALDI-8020/MALDI-8030 and eMSTAT Solution™ S. Salivo (KRATOS ANALYTICAL LTD.) User Benefits Minimal sample preparation which does not require labor-intensive procedures…
Klíčová slova
evoo, evoosunflower, sunflowermachine, machinelearning, learningadulterated, adulteratedtag, tagmultivariate, multivariateoil, oilldi, ldishimadzu, shimadzuemstat, emstatanalysis, analysisclassification, classificationpca, pcaauc
Characterization of Triacylglycerols in Edible Oils Using the ACQUITY UPC2 System and Mass Spectrometry
Characterization of Triacylglycerols in Edible Oils Using the ACQUITY UPC2 System and Mass Spectrometry Jinchuan Yang and Giorgis Isaac G OA L To explore Convergence Chromatography (CC) with MS technology for profiling and identifying TAGs. The ACQUITY UPC2 System coupled…
Klíčová slova
tag, tagplo, plooll, ollpll, pllool, ooltags, tagslll, llloils, oilssll, sllooo, ooooil, oilfats, fatsnarplc, narplcgiorgis, giorgisisaac
Quality Analysis of Extra Virgin Olive Oils – Part 8
2016|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Quality Analysis of Extra Virgin Olive Oils – Part 8 Nutritive Benefits—Triacylglycerol Composition in Virgin Olive Oils Application Note Food Testing & Agriculture Author Abstract Sonja Schneider The triacylglycerol (TAG) profile of extra virgin olive oil can be used as…
Klíčová slova
olive, oliveoils, oilsmonovarietal, monovarietallll, llltag, taglnpp, lnpppooln, poolnpooo, poooblend, blendooln, oolnpoln, polnooo, oooolln, ollnvirgin, virginsll