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Two Nontargeted Screening Approaches for Examination of Drinking Water Before and After Treatment
Two Nontargeted Screening Approaches for Examination of Drinking Water Before and After Treatment KC Hyland1, Amy Heffernan2 1SCIEX, USA 2SCIEX, Australia Two workflows based on liquid chromatography coupled to a quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometer (LC-MS) were applied to detect and identify…
Klíčová slova
features, featuresmarkerview, markerviewpwtp, pwtpnontargeted, nontargetedsuspect, suspectscreening, screeningwhich, whichtreatment, treatmentlist, listcandidate, candidatewater, waterpca, pcatentatively, tentativelysoftware, softwarethose
Chemovar Typing of Cannabis Strains with MarkerView™ Software and the SCIEX X500R QTOF System
Chemovar Typing of Cannabis Strains with MarkerView™ Software and the SCIEX X500R QTOF System KC Hyland 1 SCIEX, Redwood City, CA USA Consumers of Cannabis have long asserted that there are differences between cultivars, or strains, in terms of user…
Klíčová slova
markerview, markerviewnontargeted, nontargetedstatistical, statisticalchemovar, chemovarcannabis, cannabisfeatures, featurespca, pcalist, listdata, dataloadings, loadingschemical, chemicalformulafinder, formulafinderstrain, strainexperimentally, experimentallysoftware
Improved Metabolite Identification Using Data Independent Analysis for Metabolomics
Improved Metabolite Identification Using Data Independent Analysis for Metabolomics Using the TripleTOF® 6600 LC-MS/MS System and SWATH® Acquisition Robert Proos SCIEX, USA Comprehensive metabolite identification with MS/MS library spectral matching can be problematic for data-dependent acquisition (DDA) workflows as it…
Klíčová slova
swath, swathacquisition, acquisitiondda, ddalibraries, librariessciex, sciexidentified, identifiedlibrary, librarymetabolite, metabolitefeatures, featuresdia, diaidentification, identificationnumber, numberdata, dataammsl, ammslmetabolites
Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Cell Culture Medium Using SWATH® Acquisition
Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Cell Culture Medium Using SWATH® Acquisition Featuring Data Independent Acquisition on SCIEX TripleTOF® 6600 System Zuzana Demianova1, David Cox2, Elsa Gorre3, Andrew Mahan3 and Lei Xiong4 1 SCIEX, Brea, CA, USA; 2SCIEX, Concord, CAN; 3…
Klíčová slova
ami, aminucl, nuclacid, acidothers, otherseoside, eosideculture, cultureswath, swatheobase, eobasecid, cidcell, celltty, ttymedia, mediacharides, charidesacquisition, acquisitionmin
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.