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LC columns and accessories
LC columns and accessories
2020|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Brožury a specifikace
1.5 1.0 0.5 LC columns and accessories Technical resources document Contents LC column selection 03 HPLC column selection by United States Pharmacopeia specifications 08 HPLC phases 12 HPLC column selection by manufacturer 14 Principles of fast LC 19 LC technical…
Klíčová slova
hypersil, hypersilgold, goldphenyl, phenylyes, yesaccucore, accucoresyncronis, syncronisymc, ymcsilica, silicaphenomenex, phenomenexwaters, watersmacherey, machereynagel, nagelcolumn, columnthermo, thermohilic
HPLC Column Selection Guide for Small Molecule Separation
Sample Collection Sample Preparation Standardization & Calibration Chromatographic & Separation Analysis HPLC Column Selection Guide for Small Molecule Separation We offer the highest quality consumables for the U/HPLC analysis workflow. Our selection of columns, solvents, standards and sample preparation products…
Klíčová slova
efficiency, efficiencychromolith, chromolithpolar, polarcomparable, comparablehplc, hplccompounds, compoundslichrospher, lichrospherpurospher, purosphersupelcosil, supelcosilsilica, silicaascentis, ascentisuhplc, uhplcporous, porousstar, starmicro
KNAUER HPLC Phases USP “L” code column listing
KNAUER HPLC Phases USP “L” code column listing USP USP Specifications Code Octadecyl silane (ODS, C18) chemically L1 bonded to porous silica or ceramic microparticles, 1.5- 10 μm diameter, or a monolithic silica rod. KNAUER Phases Eurospher 100 C18 Eurospher…
Klíčová slova
aboa, aboaapplichrom, applichromeurokat, eurokatsulfonated, sulfonateddiameter, diameterdivinylbenzene, divinylbenzenechemically, chemicallystyrene, styreneresin, resinconsisting, consistingcation, cationphil, philstrong, stronggpc, gpcexchange
LC-MS Resource Guide
LC-MS Resource Guide
LC-MS Resource Guide A Comprehensive Portfolio for Consistent Results in Routine and Advanced LC-MS applications The life science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada. LC-MS Resource Guide Maximize the Performance of Your…
Klíčová slova
chromolith, chromolithzic, ziccustom, customhybridspe, hybridspephase, phasecolumn, columnresource, resourcehplc, hplcguard, guardmobile, mobileproteins, proteinshilic, hiliccolumns, columnslichrosolv, lichrosolvdsc
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.