Monitoring Antioxidant Additives in Foods, Using HPLC or Capillary GC and a New Reference Standards Kit
Aplikace | 1999 | MerckInstrumentace
GC, Spotřební materiál, HPLC
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Improved Determination of Antioxidants in Edible Oils Using Solid Core LC Columns
2016|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
Mark Tracy, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Sunnyvale, CA, USA Key Words Accucore C18, Accucore Polar Premium, AOAC 983.15, antioxidant, food testing Abstract Phenolic antioxidants are commonly used as preservatives in foods containing edible oils and fats to prevent development of rancidity.…
Klíčová slova
antioxidants, antioxidantsphenolic, phenolicgallate, gallatepreservatives, preservativesaccucore, accucorenordihydroguairetic, nordihydroguaireticndga, ndgacore, corebutylhydroquinone, butylhydroquinonetbhq, tbhqtechnologytm, technologytmmau, maulauryl, laurylcommonly, commonlyethoxyquin
New Pharmaceutical and Food & Beverage Applications for SPME/HPLC
TheReporter Reprinted from Volume 15, No. 6, 1996 T296016 © 1999 Sigma-Aldrich Co. For more information, or current prices, contact your nearest Supelco subsidiary listed below. To obtain further contact information, visit our website (, see the Supelco catalog, or…
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Selectivity Comparison of Agilent Poroshell 120 Phases in the Separation of Butter Antioxidants
2017|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Selectivity Comparison of Agilent Poroshell 120 Phases in the Separation of Butter Antioxidants Application Note Food Testing & Agriculture Author Rongjie Fu Agilent Technologies (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Abstract The selectivity of various phases of Agilent Poroshell 120, including EC-C18, SB-C18,…
Klíčová slova
mau, maumin, minantioxidants, antioxidantsgallate, gallateselectivity, selectivityndga, ndgabha, bhamethod, methodbutter, butterstock, stockphases, phasesdevelopment, developmentgave, gavenordihydroguaiaretic, nordihydroguaiareticcomparison
Agilent 1290 Infinity Quaternary LC – Support of Columns with 2.1 to 4.6 mm ID to 1200 bar
2014|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
Agilent 1290 Infinity Quaternary LC – Support of Columns with 2.1 to 4.6 mm ID to 1200 bar Technical Overview Authors Abstract A.G.Huesgen, Bettina Schuhn Modern LC equipment should be prepared to support conventional HPLC and Agilent Technologies, Inc. also…
Klíčová slova
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