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Easy-to-use interface: walk up and run - Thermo Scientific Chromeleon XPS


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Using walk-up software for confirmation of target compound synthesis and purity analysis by liquid chromatography coupled with single quadrupole mass detection
Technical note | 000470 Mass spectrometry Using walk-up software for confirmation of target compound synthesis and purity analysis by liquid chromatography coupled with single quadrupole mass detection Goal Authors Dan Kalu Appulage , Michael Tidwell , Provide a customer application…
Klíčová slova
eworkflow, eworkflowchromeleon, chromeleonoptima, optimaxps, xpsmass, masspurity, puritywalk, walkchemists, chemistsfisher, fisherconfirmation, confirmationsubmission, submissionsynthetic, syntheticchromatography, chromatographycompound, compoundopen
Using simplified walk-up software to bring UHPLC-MS to the organic synthesis lab
CASE STUDY Using simplified walk-up software to bring UHPLC-MS to the organic synthesis lab Introduction Medicinal chemists in the Center for Innovative Drug Discovery at the University of Texas at San Antonio are speeding up drug discovery by getting mass…
Klíčová slova
cidd, ciddxps, xpsmedicinal, medicinalchromeleon, chromeleonchemistry, chemistrysynthesis, synthesiseworkflow, eworkflowmichael, michaelwalk, walksoftware, softwareuhplc, uhplclabs, labsorder, orderdiscovery, discoverythermo
Chromeleon CDS Enterprise Compliance, connectivity, confidence
Chromeleon CDS Enterprise Compliance, connectivity, confidence
2018|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Brožury a specifikace
Chromeleon CDS Enterprise Compliance, connectivity, confidence A Chromatography Data System (CDS), networked or enterprise, is vital for compliant, efficient and reliable operation of any modern chromatography laboratory – it will manage all the analytical processes from instrument control, to raw…
Klíčová slova
chromeleon, chromeleondata, datacds, cdslaboratory, laboratorysoftware, softwarenetwork, networkdeployment, deploymentaccess, accesssecurity, securityyour, yourbuilt, builtscalable, scalablecobra, cobraeworkflow, eworkflowready
Thermo Scientific ISQ EC and ISQ EM single quadrupole mass spectrometers
Thermo Scientific ISQ EC and ISQ EM single quadrupole mass spectrometers
2018|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Brožury a specifikace
Join the mass movement towards mass spectrometry Thermo Scientific ISQ EC and ISQ EM single quadrupole mass spectrometers Embrace the power of mass spectrometry Achieving a comprehensive understanding of the samples you analyze is always a challenge. At Thermo Fisher…
Klíčová slova
isq, isqmass, masshesi, hesispectrometers, spectrometersapci, apcithermo, thermoscientific, scientificspectrometer, spectrometersim, simtenofovir, tenofoviryour, yourchromeleon, chromeleonimpurity, impurityroutine, routinemaster
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.