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PESTICIDE STANDARDS For Food & Environmental Analysis


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TOOLS FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY PROTEOMICS AND METABOLOMICS | | | Navigate toward Metabolomic discovery. Target your metabolism research with comprehensive metabolomic resources from Sigma® Life Science. Bionavigate. Sigma Life Science metabolites, enzymes, separation tools and technologies help you navigate the…
Klíčová slova
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Wastewater Standards - Your essential resource for Agilent ULTRA chemical standards
Wastewater Standards Your essential resource for Agilent ULTRA chemical standards Table of contents Introduction 3 EPA Method 612 17 About Agilent standards 3 EPA Method 613 18 Products 3 EPA Method 614, 614.1 18 Markets 3 EPA Method 615 19…
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Pesticide, PAH, and Lipid Standards - Your essential resource for Agilent ULTRA chemical standards
Pesticide, PAH, and Lipid Standards Your essential resource for Agilent ULTRA chemical standards Table of contents Introduction 3 About Agilent standards 3 Products 3 Markets 3 Custom products 3 Quality control laboratory 4 Quality control validation levels 4 Triple certification…
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Thermo Scientific HyperSep Columns Application Notebook – Issue 1
Thermo Scientific HyperSep Columns Application Notebook – Issue 1, April 2011 Removing Uncertainty by Applying Science to SPE Pharmaceutical/Biotech • Environmental • Forensics • Food Safety Table of Contents Introduction Table of Contents Thermo Scientific HyperSep Columns – Overview and…
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