Hemp Testing Laboratory Solutions
Brožury a specifikace | 2019 | ShimadzuInstrumentace
ZaměřeníPotraviny a zemědělství
Klíčová slovahemp, cbga, cbdv, cbc, cbda, cbg, thca, cbn, testing, cbd, metals, mycotoxins, platforms, thcv, moisture, shimadzu, residual, toxic, terpene, terpenes, analyzer, potency, lab, content, solvents, compliant, research, spiders, thrive, laboratory, mass, nexleaf, additional, instruments, plant, high, leftover, heavy, guard, analytical, leasing, profiling, icp, min, tetrahydrocannabivarin, typing, cannabidivarin, cannabigerolic, cultivar, pesticide
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Cannabis Testing Laboratory Solutions
2019|Shimadzu|Brožury a specifikace
Cannabis Testing Laboratory Solutions We are the cannabis testing instrument experts. When purchasing analytical equipment, it is important to know that you are not just buying an instrument but investing in your lab’s future. Shimadzu not only provides the instrumentation…
Klíčová slova
cannabis, cannabistesting, testingmetals, metalscbga, cbgacbdv, cbdvcbc, cbccbda, cbdacbg, cbgthca, thcacbn, cbnterpenes, terpenescbd, cbdmycotoxins, mycotoxinsplatforms, platformsshimadzu
Cannabis Testing Laboratory Solutions
2020|Shimadzu|Brožury a specifikace
Cannabis Testing Laboratory Solutions We are the cannabis testing instrument experts. When purchasing analytical equipment, it is important to know that you are not just buying an instrument but investing in your lab’s future. Shimadzu not only provides the instrumentation…
Klíčová slova
cannabis, cannabistesting, testingpotency, potencycbga, cbgacbdv, cbdvcbc, cbccbda, cbdacbg, cbgcbn, cbncbd, cbdcannabinoids, cannabinoidsthcv, thcvthca, thcamycotoxins, mycotoxinsplatforms
The cannabis industry is growing exponentially and the use of marijuana for medical purposes is being adopted across the nation. With this boom in cannabis consumers, there has been an increasing need for knowledge about the product. The role of…
Klíčová slova
revenue, revenuetesting, testingroi, roiweek, weekcannabis, cannabisexpected, expectedmoisture, moistureinstrument, instrumentrecommended, recommendedweeks, weeksreturn, returnsamples, samplesbreak, breakinvestment, investmentcost
The Potency Determination of 15 Cannabinoids using the Hemp Analyzer
No. SSI-HPLC-036 High Performance Liquid Chromatography No. HPLC-036 The Potency Determination of 15 Cannabinoids using the Hemp Analyzer ■ Introduction According to a 2020 Grand View Research report1, the industrial hemp market is expected to exceed 15 billion USD by…
Klíčová slova
thcva, thcvacbca, cbcacbdva, cbdvacbl, cblthcv, thcvcbga, cbgashimadzu, shimadzucbdv, cbdvcbc, cbccbda, cbdacbg, cbgthca, thcacbn, cbncbd, cbdcerilliant