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Oasis® Sample Extraction Products for Agrochemical and Environmental Analysis


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Waters Oasis sample preparation - Application Notebook
Waters Oasis sample preparation - Application Notebook
2008|Agilent Technologies|Příručky
Oasis sample preparation Application Notebook Waters Oasis Family of sample extraction products The Oasis® family of sample extraction products is designed to acidic compounds, respectively. In 2004, we introduced mixed-mode simplify and improve your sample preparation by combining the right…
Klíčová slova
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Sample Preparation and Laboratory Automation
Sample Preparation and Laboratory Automation Sample Preparation and Laboratory Automation Contents Goals of Sample Preparation........................5 Benefits of Solid-Phase Extraction............5 PoraPak Rxn Cartridges for Post-Synthesis Cleanup................................34 Vacuum Manifold and Accessories........35 Selecting the Correct SPE Format.............6 Vacuum Manifold for Use with SPE…
Klíčová slova
oasis, oasishlb, hlbcartridge, cartridgesep, seppak, pakmcx, mcxprime, primesorbent, sorbentcartridges, cartridgesmax, maxwcx, wcxsilica, silicaplate, platewwptfe, wwptfedescription
2020|Waters|Brožury a specifikace
[ OASIS SOLID-PHASE EXTRACTION PRODUCTS ] Simplifying Solid-Phase Extraction Through the combination of innovative sorbent technology and hardware design, Oasis® Products have become the first choice in solid-phase extraction (SPE). Oasis Products are trusted by separation scientists across the globe…
Klíčová slova
oasis, oasishlb, hlbcartridge, cartridgemcx, mcxmax, maxprime, primewcx, wcxplate, platewax, waxsolid, solidflangeless, flangelessextraction, extractionµelution, µelutionformat, formatphase
Oasis Cartridges and 96-Well Plates
[ CARE AND USE MANUAL ] Oasis Cartridges and 96-Well Plates CONTENTS INTRODUCTION a. Oasis HLB b. Oasis PRiME HLB c. Oasis PRiME MCX d. Oasis Mixed-Mode reversed-phase ion-exchangers VI. SOLID-PHASE EXTRACTION PROCEDURES FOR ACIDIC, NEUTRAL, AND BASIC COMPOUNDS USING…
Klíčová slova
oasis, oasisvacuum, vacuumhlb, hlbwax, waxswitch, switchcare, careapp, appmcx, mcxload, loadspe, spemanual, manualclosing, closingwells, wellspfas, pfasgcb
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.