Characterization of petroleum samples via thermal analysis coupled to APCI MRMS
Aplikace | 2017 | BrukerInstrumentace
ZaměřeníPrůmysl a chemie
Klíčová slovamrms, thermal, mass, apci, bruker, desorption, temperature, atmospheric, chemical, diesel, coupled, dbe, atm, decomposition, icr, high, mixture, spectrometry, molecular, resolution, resonance, evolved, ionization, analysis, phase, fourier, species, fame, source, transform, intensity, pressure, pyrolysis, individual, revealed, fuel, superconducting, petroleum, vaporizable, spectra, enables, pattern, complex, gravimetry, tempera, elemental, crucible, spans, double, characteristically
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Bruker MRMS Applications Handbook
MRMS Applications Handbook Cutting-Edge Research in MALDI Imaging, Metabolomics/Phenomics, Native MS and Petroleomics Innovation with Integrity MRMS Dear Mass Spec Customer, Thank you for your interest in Bruker's scimaX® and solariX-series instruments. Powered by MRMS (Magnetic Resonance Mass Spectrometry), this…
Klíčová slova
maldi, maldiimaging, imagingmrms, mrmsbruker, brukermass, masssolarix, solarixmolecular, molecularwere, werespectrometry, spectrometrytissue, tissuedaltonics, daltonicscontinually, continuallyreserves, reservesmetabolites, metabolitesicr
Bruker scimaX MRMS - The Applications Book
The Applications Book Innovation with Integrity MRMS MRMS Enabling High Field Performance at 7T Magnetic Resonance Mass Spectrometry (MRMS) is the panicle of mass spec in terms of mass accuracy, resolving power and flexibility. scimaX MRMS opens new analytical doors,…
Klíčová slova
intensity, intensityisotopic, isotopicmrms, mrmsmaldi, maldidbe, dbecasi, casiscimax, scimaxfidelity, fidelityfine, fineimaging, imagingmass, masskilgour, kilgourpetroleomics, petroleomicsstructure, structurepopulation
Rapid elucidation of carotenoids in microalgae formulations by MRMS aXelerate
Rapid elucidation of carotenoids in microalgae formulations by MRMS aXelerate Arthrospira platensis, better known as Spirulina, is one of the most important microalgae species. This cyanobacterium possesses a rich metabolite pattern including high amounts of natural pigments such as carotenoids.…
Klíčová slova
spirulina, spirulinachl, chlpyro, pyromrms, mrmscarotenoids, carotenoidschld, chldphy, phymass, masstocopherol, tocopherolpheo, pheoderivate, derivatezeaxanthin, zeaxanthindietary, dietarymicroalgae, microalgaekindly
GC-APCI IMS of Diesel
2015|Agilent Technologies|Aplikace
GC-APCI IMS of Diesel Application Note Energy and Chemicals Authors Abstract Sheher Bano Mohsin, David Wong, This Application Note describes the use of ion mobility and high-resolution and F. Robert Ley GC/MS for profiling sulfur compounds in a very complex…
Klíčová slova
kendrick, kendrickmass, massdrift, driftdiesel, dieselmobility, mobilitysulfur, sulfurion, iondefect, defectdibenzothiophenes, dibenzothiophenesapci, apcifunnel, funnelcompounds, compoundsseries, seriestof, tofims