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Analytical Strategies for the Determination of Deoxynivalenol and its Modified Forms in Beer: A Mini Review

Vědecké články | 2015 | Kvasný průmyslInstrumentace
Potraviny a zemědělství
Klíčová slova
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Analytical techniques for determination of mycotoxins in barley, malt and beer: A review
KVASNÝ PRŮMYSL Kvasny prumysl (2019) 65: 46–57 Analytical techniques for determination of mycotoxins in barley, malt and beer: A review Marek Pernica1*, Karim C. Piacentini2, Karolína Benešová1, Josef Čáslavský1,3, Sylvie Běláková1 1 2 3 Research Institute of Brewing and…
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New SPE Sorbent for Clean-up of Fusarium Toxin-contaminated Cereals & Cereal-based Foods, Bond Elut Mycotoxin
New SPE Sorbent for Clean-up of Fusarium Toxin-contaminated Cereals & Cereal-based Foods, Bond Elut Mycotoxin Application Note Fusarium Fungi, Cereals Authors Introduction Marianna Klötzel, Uwe Lauber Chemisches u. Veterinäruntersuchungsamt Stuttgart Fusarium fungi are probably the most prevalent toxin-producing fungi of…
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Multi-mycotoxin Screening and Quantitation Using UHPLC, High Resolution and Accurate Mass
Application Note: 51961 Multi-mycotoxin Screening and Quantitation Using UHPLC, High Resolution and Accurate Mass Milena Zachariášová, Jana Hajšlová, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic Michal Godula, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Prague, Czech Republic Introduction Key Words • Exactive LC-MS •…
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Multi-mycotoxin Screening and Quantitation Using UHPLC, High Resolution and Accurate Mass
Application Note: 51961 Multi-mycotoxin Screening and Quantitation Using UHPLC, High Resolution and Accurate Mass Milena Zachariášová, Jana Hajšlová, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic Michal Godula, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Prague, Czech Republic Introduction Key Words • Exactive LC-MS •…
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zearalenol, zearalenolalternariol, alternariolergocristine, ergocristineochratoxin, ochratoxinmycotoxin, mycotoxinmass, massmycotoxins, mycotoxinsscientific, scientificdeepoxydeoxynivalenol, deepoxydeoxynivalenolergosin, ergosinverrucarol, verrucarolmethylether, methyletherlcl, lclaltenuene, altenueneergocorninine
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