On-line extraction and determination of targeted carotenoids from habanero red (Capsicum Chinese)
Aplikace | 2024 | ShimadzuInstrumentace
Příprava vzorků, LC/MS, LC/MS/MS, LC/QQQ, SFC
ZaměřeníPotraviny a zemědělství
Klíčová slovacarotenoids, expansion, supercritical, zone, habanero, fluid, capsanthin, zeaxanthin, capsicum, carotenoid, lutein, ester, sfe, sim, acquired, sfc, mono, chlorophyllb, apci, chlorophylls, delocalized, grinded, pinpointed, line, extraction, identification, moreover, turrax, red, targeted, carotene, novo, electrons, pigments, conjugated, alternating, ionisation, synthesized, homogenized, forming, bonds, chinese, plants, qqq, method, coupling, acquire, native, focused, without
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Multiple Analytical Techniques For Carotenoid Analysis In Capsicum Cultivars
2023|Shimadzu|Technické články
C190-E307 Technical Report Multiple Analytical Techniques For Carotenoid Analysis In Capsicum Cultivars Francesco Cacciola1, Katia Arena1, Mariosimone Zoccali1, Luigi Mondello1 A b s tra c t: Carotenoids and their derivatives are versatile isoprenoids based on a C40 tetraterpenoid skeleton and…
Klíčová slova
mono, monocapsanthin, capsanthincarotenoid, carotenoidesters, esterscarotenoids, carotenoidsketo, ketoxanthophylls, xanthophyllsoxygenated, oxygenateduhprp, uhprpantheraxanthin, antheraxanthinzeaxanthin, zeaxanthincapsicum, capsicummonoester, monoesterpoly, polycarotene
Characterization of 16 Capsicum Varieties by Evaluation of Their Carotenoid Profle by SFE-SFC-MS/MS
C190-E232 Technical Report Characterization of 16 Capsicum Varieties by Evaluation of Their Carotenoid Profile by SFE-SFC-MS/MS SFE-SFC-MS/MS analysis of carotenoids in Capsicum samples Zoccali Mariosimone1, Daniele Giuffrida1, and Luigi Mondello1 A b s tra c t: An on-line method based…
Klíčová slova
carotenoids, carotenoidssfe, sfesfc, sfccapsicum, capsicumsupercritical, supercriticalcapsanthin, capsanthinextraction, extractionfluid, fluidcryptoxanthin, cryptoxanthincarotene, carotenechlorophyll, chlorophyllbpr, bprreport, reportcaienna, caiennacapsorubin
Characterization of 17 Capsicum varieties by evaluation of their apocarotenoid profile by Nexera UC
C190-E285 Technical Report Characterization of 17 Capsicum varieties by evaluation of their apocarotenoid profile by Nexera™ UC Mariosimone Zoccali1, Daniele Giuffrida2, Luigi Mondello3,4,5 A b s tra c t: An on-line method based on the coupling of supercritical fluid extraction…
Klíčová slova
lod, lodapocarotenoids, apocarotenoidspeppers, peppersapocarotenoid, apocarotenoidcitraurin, citraurinnexera, nexeraunit, unitsupercritical, supercriticalchilli, chillicultivars, cultivarsseventeen, seventeenfluid, fluidbpr, bprbaccatum, baccatumcitaraurin
Extraction and Fractionation of Functional Ingredients with Online SFE-SFC
2023|Shimadzu|Technické články
C190-E300 Extraction and Fractionation of Functional Ingredients with Online SFE-SFC Technical Report Hiroki Sawada1 and Keiko Matsumoto1 Ab stract: This article describes a preparative online supercritical fluid extraction-supercritical fluid chromatography (SFE-SFC) system that combines an extraction step using supercritical carbon…
Klíčová slova
lycopene, lycopenesfe, sfemau, mauextraction, extractioncarotene, carotenesfc, sfcbpr, bprvessel, vesselingredients, ingredientspolyvp, polyvplotusstream, lotusstreampbr, pbrsupercritical, supercriticalpressure, pressurepolybt