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The Measure of Purity - Water quality applications

Příručky | 2019 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentace
GC/MSD, GC/MS/MS, HeadSpace, Purge and Trap, GC/SQ, GC/QQQ, Spotřební materiál, HPLC, LC/TOF, LC/HRMS, LC/MS, LC/MS/MS, LC/QQQ, UV–VIS Spektrofotometrie, ICP/MS, ICP-OES, AAS, MP/ICP-AES
Životní prostředí
Agilent Technologies, Elemental Scientific
Klíčová slova
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Application Compendium for Environmental Testing
Application Compendium for Environmental Testing
2017|Agilent Technologies|Příručky
Application Compendium for Environmental Testing ACHIEVE RELIABLE, ROBUST, AND ACCURATE ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS CONFIDENTLY MEASURE ORGANIC AND INORGANIC CHEMICALS IN AIR, SOIL, AND WATER As part of their monitoring programs, environmental regulatory agencies require reporting of the types and concentrations of…
Klíčová slova
water, watericp, icpanalysis, analysisonline, onlinespe, spetable, tableenvironmental, environmentalsoil, soiltrace, traceusing, usingdetermination, determinationvolatiles, volatilesair, airherbicides, herbicidescontents
Agilent ICP-MS Journal (May 2010 – Issue 42)
Agilent ICP-MS Journal (May 2010 – Issue 42)
2010|Agilent Technologies|Ostatní
Agilent ICP-MS Journal May 2010 – Issue 42 Inside this Issue Prizes s for Paperent's for Agil Abstracts eciation New Sp pt. Due by Se Handbook pple iPads to A 30, 2010. ee page 8 for be Won. S tails.…
Klíčová slova
icp, icpagilent, agilentpbdes, pbdesinterface, interfacedecabromodiphenyl, decabromodiphenylhplc, hplchigh, highhmi, hmipbde, pbdepolybrominated, polybrominatedinjector, injectorplasma, plasmamatrix, matrixcollision, collisionpolyatomic
Excellent choices for environmental applications - Water
Solutions that meet your demands for: speed accuracy productivity Excellent choices for environmental applications Water Volatiles Applications > Return to Table of Contents > Search entire document Ultra-Fast Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) Analysis with Agilent Low Thermal Mass (LTM) GC…
Klíčová slova
icp, icpwater, wateragilent, agilenttime, timesample, samplewere, weremsd, msdanalysis, analysismass, masscolumn, columngas, gasusa, usamethod, methodmode, modeused
Solutions that meet your demands - Environmental Compendium - Emerging Contaminants
Solutions that meet your demands for: speed accuracy productivity Excellent choices for environmental applications Emerging Contaminants PPCPs Applications > Return to Table of Contents > Search entire document Determination of Pharmaceuticals in Water by SPE and LC/MS/MS in Both Positive…
Klíčová slova
pbde, pbdebde, bdepfoa, pfoapbdes, pbdesabundance, abundancepfos, pfospolybrominated, polybrominatedusa, usaion, ionmass, massdiphenyl, diphenylagilent, agilentfragmentor, fragmentorcompounds, compoundscollision
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