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Automated UHPLC method development and robustness test for mebendazole and related impurities


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Automated UHPLC method development for mebendazole and related impurities, from method scouting to robustness testing Soo Hyun Park1, Mauro De Pra1, Sylvia Grosse1, Carsten Paul1, Alec Valenta2, Frank Steiner1 1Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germering, Germany; 2Thermo Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA, USA…
Klíčová slova
scouting, scoutingvanquish, vanquishmethod, methodchromsword, chromswordmebendazole, mebendazoleautomated, automatedcolumn, columndevelopment, developmentquaternary, quaternaryrobustness, robustnessorganic, organicviper, viperkit, kittesting, testingreportviewer
Application note | 000754 Chromatography Automated UHPLC method development for mebendazole and related impurities, from method scouting to robustness testing Authors Application benefits Soo Hyun Park, Mauro De Pra, Sylvia • The Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ UHPLC Method Development system in…
Klíčová slova
chromsword, chromswordmethod, methodmebendazole, mebendazolechromeleon, chromeleonconnect, connecthypersil, hypersilvanquish, vanquishgold, golddevelopment, developmentabsorbance, absorbancescientific, scientificoptimization, optimizationaccucore, accucoremau, maudesign
Method Modernization and Method Development (e-Book)
2024|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Příručky
HPLC and UHPLC Method Modernization and Method Development e-Book Introduction The demand for labs to develop faster, more sensitive, and robust liquid chromatography methods capable of meeting stringent regulatory criteria is a growing challenge faced by many industries. This guide…
Klíčová slova
method, methodvanquish, vanquishcontents, contentsmodernization, modernizationback, backdevelopment, developmentthermo, thermoscientific, scientificuhplc, uhplcchromsword, chromswordpage, pagescouting, scoutingchromeleon, chromeleonhplc, hplcnext
APPLICATION NOTE 000460 Development of a stability-indicating method for esomeprazole and related degradation products by automated method scouting and mass detection Authors: Soo Hyun Park, Sylvia Grosse, Mauro De Pra, Michaela Scherz, Frank Steiner Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germering, Germany Keywords:…
Klíčová slova
chromsword, chromswordesomeprazole, esomeprazoledegradation, degradationchromeleon, chromeleonconnect, connectreportviewer, reportviewermethod, methoddevelopment, developmentscouting, scoutingbuffer, buffermobile, mobilerename, renamescreening, screeningrelated, relatedphase
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