LC a LCMS webináře - 50. týden
LabRulez: LC a LCMS webináře - 50. týden
V týdnu od 7. prosince 2020 Vás čekají v oblasti LC a LCMS následující webináře, kterých detaily a registraci najdete v sekci WEBINÁŘE:
Vyhledávejte a filtrujte ve více než 600 GC a LC webinářích.
1. Agilent Technologies: Higher Capacity, Lower Complexity – InfinityLab LC Fraction Collector Clusters
2. HPST: Mykotoxiny - příprava vzorků pro analýzu
3. LCGC/Agilent Technologies: Regulatory Requirements and Analytical Strategies to Analyze Extractables and Leachables
4. SelectScience/Waters Corporation: Non-specific adsorption: Common causes, how it affects chromatographic results, and how to prevent it
5. Technology Networks/Thermo Fisher Scientific: Native Mass Spectrometry and COVID-19: Uncovering Drug Binding and Oligomerization
6. Bruker Daltonics: Classification of Invasive Melanoma by Imaging Mass Spectrometry
7. Thermo Fisher Scientific: Increased confidence in peptide identification and quantification using Thermo Scientific Proteome Discoverer 2.5 software and INFERYS Rescoring
8. Agilent Technologies: Quantification of Organophosphorus Nerve Agent Metabolites (OPNA) on the 6495C
9. Agilent Technologies: Next Generation Bio LC Solutions: Workflow solutions with the new 1290 Infinity II Bio LC System with High-Speed Pump
10. Separation Science/Agilent Technologies: Super Charge your Method Development with a Quick, Easy Universally Compatible LC and LC/MS Method
11. LCGC/Agilent Technologies: LC/MS/MS Workflow to Determine over 500 Pesticides Residues in Compliance with SANTE 12682/2019 Guidelines
12. Technology Networks/SCIEX: Analysis of Process Related Impurities in Cell & Gene Therapy Products by SWATH LC-MS
13. SelectScience/Phenomenex: Sample Preparation Strategies for Oligonucleotides Bioanalytical Workflows
14. Agilent Technologies: WHAT Do I Need for Successful Method Development?
15. Agilent Technologies: Understanding the Language of Liquid Chromatographic Results
16. LCGC/Agilent Technologies: The benefits of dedicated HPLC and chromatography column for analysis of Biomolecules
V týdnu od 14. prosince 2020 Vás zatím aktuálně čeká v oblasti LC a LCMS dalších 11 webinářů.