Shimadzu na ASMS 2020 - pohled zpátky - část LC a LCMS

Shimadzu: Virtuální veletrh Shimadzu ASMS 2020
Historie hmotnostní spektrometrie Shimadzu
V roce 2020 uplyne 50 let od představení prvního hmotnostního spektrometru LKB-9000 od společnosti Shimadzu. V uplynulém půlstoletí vedla naše vášeň pro inovace k mnohonásobnému převratnému vývoji v MS technologiích.
Shimadzu: ASMS 2020 Historical Poster - A History of Shimadzu and Mass Spectrometry Innovation
ASMS 2020 Historical Poster - A History of Shimadzu and Mass Spectrometry Innovatio
LCMS Posterová místnost na ASMS 2020
Nejnovější výsledky z oblasti kapalinové chromatografie a hmotnostní spektromerie ve formě aplikačních nebo technických posterů.
TP 004 Ultrafast qualitative screening of mitragynine, MDMA, and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in complex matrices by green technology direct probe ionization mass spectrometry
WP 031 MALDI-nanochip based Screening of Exosomal Biomarkers: Application to Cancer Diagnostics
ThP 003 Monitoring the differentiation process of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) to cerebral cortical neurons by LC-MS/MS media analysis
MP 070 Detection of typical GCMS Pesticides in Cannabis Matrix utilizing APCI-LCMS
TP 119 Evaluation of automated quantitative analysis of the doubly charged glycatedβ-hemoglobin by MALDI-TOF MS
TP 120 Fully automated LC-MS/MS method to assess DPD deficiency in Cancer treatment with 5-FU
TP 122 Monitoring of embryonic stem cell differentiation trajectories by intact cell mass spectrometry
ThP 036 Cost effective and rapid method for simultaneous determination of vitamin B12, 25-Hydroxyvitamin D2 and D3 from plasma using LC-MS/MS
ThP 031 Determination of 25(OH)VD3 derivatives in LC-MS with special reversed-phase chromatographic columns
ThP 039 Evaluation of a rapid LC-MS/MS method to measure simultaneously IDUA and IDS enzymes activities in dried blood spots
MP 117 A Data-independent Acquisition (DIA) Approach on Q-TOF Mass Spectrometry for In-depth Peptide Mapping of Monoclonal Antibodies
ThP 081 Analysis of Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Specified in EPA M533 Using the Triple Quadrupole LCMSMS
ThP 072 Analysis of PFAS compounds in Fish Tissue Using Offline Supercritical Fluid Extraction and LC-MS/MS
ThP 083 Detection of hormones (E1, E2, EE2) according to the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive using an online-SPE-HPLC-MS/MS
ThP 082 Towards Single System for Total Water Analysis. LC-MS/MS screening of 325 PPCP Contaminants in Tap and Surface Water
MP 205 Highly sensitive analysis of the related substance of ciguatoxins by the multiple reaction monitoring and electrospray ionization with LC/MS/MS
MP 203 Widely targeted metabolomics of hydrophilic compounds using LC-MS/MS -How compounds change when curry is stored overnight?
WP 163 Highly sensitive analysis of glyphosate, glufosinate and AMPA in the tap water and the beverages by LC-MS/MS without derivatization
ThP 100 A simple dilute-and-shoot LCMS method for the determination of free and modified amino acids in dietary supplements
ThP 109 Are you sticking with drinking Bottled Water? Assessment of PFAS content in commercial samples
ThP 104 Direct Analysis of Glyphosate, Glufosinate and AMPA in Foods Using a Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS
TP 217 Unraveling Tissue Complexity in Samples of Human Inflammatory Bowel Disease Using Imaging Mass Spectrometry
ThP 225 Versatile applications of MS imaging using a bench-top linear MALDI-TOFMS
WP 279 LC-MS ESI Parameter Optimization with Bayesian Optimization for High Sensitivity Measurement
MP 284 Improve the sensitivity of haloacetic acids and phenols by increasing ion transmittance of an ion guide at higher pressure vacuum
TP 255 A novel ion optical device to improve duty cycle of a Q-TOF mass spectrometer
TP 258 Fundamental Principles and Performance for a Low Vacuum Mass Spectrometer
WP 344 Efficient introduction of ionic compounds into LC-MS using the improved ESI unit; Application to dirty samples
WP 350 High Sensitivity Analysis of Steroid Hormones with modified ESI to improve desolvation efficiency
ThP 337 Utilizing U-Shaped Mobility Analyzer (UMA) for High Performance Bio-molecular Analysis
MP 315 Development of a LC-MS/MS method for simultaneously determining 30 pesticides in Chenpi
MP 318 Trace analysis of abused drugs in waste water sample by AOE system coupled with LCMS-8060
WP 388 10 min LC-MSMS analysis of fatty acids in triacylglycerols to compare human serum and food
WP 399 Oncofinder: a novel platform for screening benignant nevi from melanomas based on lipid phenotype using mass spectrometry and machine learning
ThP 362 Method development of high-throughput eicosanoid profiling for micro-sampling plasma
ThP 368 Untargeted LC-MS/MS-based metabolic phenotyping applied to the CD248 knock out mouse model
WP 422 Comprehensive metabolomics of wine using LC-QTOFMS and LC-TQMS; Novel workflow to transfer analytical method from LC-QTOFMS to LC-TQMS
MP 423 Development of cell culture supernatant analysis using LC-MS/MS and their application for Chinese hamster ovary cell
MP 421 Widely targeted metabolomics of hydrophilic compounds in wine using two LC-MS/MS methods: Comparison of different types and producing regions
TP 443 Climbing the oligonucleotide ladder toward rapid and wide-ranging oligonucleotide analysis using benchtop MALDI-MS
WP 459 Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of Phosphorothioate Oligonucleotides Using a Quadrupole-Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
TP 479 A novel, simple and sensitive LC-MS/MS method for simultaneous quantification of insulin glargine and its metabolites (M1 and M2)
TP 469 Highly sensitive quantitative analysis of Leuprolide from rat plasma using LC-MS/MS
TP 473 Selective and sensitive quantification of glucagon in human plasma using microflow LC/Q-TOF MS
ThP 447 Analysis of Polymer Additives in Plastic Food Containers Using the Quadrupole TOF Mass Spectrometer
WP 487 LC-MS/MS method development of aflibercept using Fab-selective proteolysis nSMOL technology
ThP 464 Characterization of Disulfide Bonds in Bevacizumab Biosimilar Using A Q-TOF Mass Spectrometer
TP 535 A multiplex targeted Mass spectrometry approach for the quantification of synuclein proteoforms in human biological fluids
MP 521 Comparing an intrinsically disordered protein α-synuclein to fixed structure proteins following FPOP modification using high resolution LCMS intact analysis
TP 587 Unknown Constituent Identification in Topical Preparation using a Q-TOF Mass Spectrometer
ThP 578 Development of a Data Processing Approach to Support Ultra High-Throughput MS Acquisition
ThP 572 Highly sensitive LC-MS/MS method for the determination of NDMA, NDEA, NDIPA, NMBA, NEIPA and NDBA in Metformin Drug Substance
MP 577 Expanding capabilities in routine clinical toxicology screening using HRAM QTOF
MP 572 Multi-target screening of toxicological compounds in blood on a fully-automated platform consisting of sample preparation module CLAM and LC-MS/MS
Všechny LC a LCMS postery z ASMS společně s dalšími postery z roku 2020 naleznete v Knihovně LabRulezLCMS
Shimadzu: Webináře na ASMS 2020
LCMS Webináře na ASMS 2020
NIST Tools for Confidently Distinguishing Between Hemp and Marijuana
Mapping Uncharted Territory: MALDI-imaging of Lipids in Tissues
Dalších 22 našich LC a LCMS webinářů naleznete v sekci Webináře LabRulezLCMS.
Virtuální stánek na ASMS 2020
Navštivte náš virtuální stánek na ASMS 2020 a podívejte se na novinky v naší analytické instrumentaci od chromatografů, až po nejvýkonnější hmotnostní spektrometry.
Shimadzu: Virtuální stánek na ASMS 2020