LC a LCMS webináře - 44. týden
LabRulez: LC a LCMS webináře - 44. týden
V týdnu od 26. října 2020 Vás čekají v oblasti LC a LCMS následující webináře, kterých detaily a registraci najdete v sekci WEBINÁŘE:
Nově také s možností vyhledávání a filtrace v téměř 500 GC a LC webinářích.
1. LCGC/Agilent Technologies: Characterization of Viral Vector Particles with LC–MS
2. Separation Science/Waters Corporation: SEE What You've Been Missing with ACQUITY PREMIER Columns: Precision Chemistries for Particles and Surfaces
3. Waters Corporation: Optimising Sample Preparation
4. Thermo Fisher Scientific: Global IC Virtual Symposium - Day 3
5. Phenomenex: Sample Preparation Options for Biological Samples
6. Agilent Technologies: OpenLab CDS-The future of Agilent Chromatography Data System for HPLC, GC, GCMS and LCMS
7. Phenomenex: Halloween Webinar Series: Ghost Peaks & Friends (Peak Issues)
8. SelectScience/Agilent Technologies: Pesticide residue analysis in cannabis: Method fundamentals and confirmation strategies
9. LCGC/Tosoh Bioscience: Simple and Fast: Novel Fc-Receptor Affinity Chromatography for Antibody Characterization
10. Agilent Technologies: The New RapidFire 400: A Complete Approach to High-Throughput Mass Spec for Drug Discovery to Synthetic Biology
11. Technology Networks/SCIEX: Ensuring Safety and Efficacy of Biotherapeutics Through In-Depth LC-MS Sequence Variant Analysis
12. Phenomenex: Halloween Webinar Series: Trick or Treat! Sugar Analysis
13. Separation Science/Tosoh Bioscience: Advanced Technologies Combined for Enhanced GPC/SEC Analysis of Polymers
14. Agilent Technologies: The Weapons of Analytical Chemistry deployed in the War against Food Fraud
15. LCGC/Phenomenex: Get Low: Achieve Less Background Interference and Lower Limits of Detection Using Sample Preparation
16. Technology Networks/Thermo Fisher Scientific: Targeted Proteomics Quantitative Workflows: Considerations for Success
17. SelectScience/Phenomenex: HPLC and UHPLC reversed-phase method development - Selecting a reproducible starting point
V týdnu od 2. listopadu 2020 Vás čeká v oblasti LC a LCMS dalších 9 webinářů.