LC a LCMS webináře - 42. týden
LabRulez: LC a LCMS webináře - 42. týden
V týdnu od 12. října 2020 Vás čekají v oblasti LC a LCMS následující webináře, kterých detaily a registraci najdete v sekci WEBINÁŘE:
1. Waters: Mass Spectrometry for Fentanyl Analog Screening, Confirmation & Metabolite Discovery in Forensic Casework - Forensics webinar week
2. NACRW/Restek: Unlocking the Mystery of Pesticides CRM Stability for Food Analysis and Guide to Reference Material use in Trace Level Analysis
3. SelectScience: Real-time forensic drug analysis using direct ionization mass spectrometry
4. Agilent Technologies: Advance Your Lab Operation: Why instrument utilization data is critical in your asset lifecycle strategy
5. Separation Science/SCIEX: Screening for Extractables and Leachables: QTOF, SWATH® Acquisition and Spectral Libraries
6. LCGC: Applications of Separation and Mass Spectrometric Techniques for Challenges in the Analysis of Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) in the Environment
7. Thermo Fisher Scientific: Ion Chromatography Analysis for Adult beverages
8. Agilent Technologies: Nitrosamine virtual Interest Group Meeting
9. Agilent Technologies: Advancements in Liquid Chromatography Method Development and Method Optimization
10. Thermo Fisher Scientific: High Resolution LC-MS Analysis of Wine Samples for the Characterization of Flavonoids
11. Thermo Fisher Scientific: Multi-Class Pesticide Quantitation with a Comprehensive Workflow