Přehled LC-MS a LC-MS/MS literatury Thermo Scientific 2022
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- Video: Chromatography & Mass Spectrometry Solutions: Introducing the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Ascend Tribrid MS
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Naše LC-MS systémy nové generace od Thermo Scientific přinášejí snadnost obsluhy, aniž by obětovaly vysoký výkon. Jednotná architektura našich LC-MS přístrojů umožňuje použití stejného příslušenství u různých systémů, usnadňuje přenos metod a urychluje také seznámení se nových uživatelů s hardwarem i softwarem. Moderní systémy jsou dnes řízeny zabudovanou inteligencí a poskytují tak tu nejvyšší kvalitu hmotnostně spektrometrických dat a maximální spolehlivosti. Předdefinované experimentální podmínky umožňují snadné použití většímu počtu uživatelů. Zjednodušený software pro zpracování dat, algoritmy a knihovny řeší nejnáročnější výzkumné a rutinní aplikace.
Podívejte se na naše kompletní portfolio a jeho aplikační možnosti nebo nechte jednoho z našich specialistů, aby vám pomohl přizpůsobit výběr toho správného řešení pro vaše aplikace a potřeby analýzy.
Přehled vybrané LC-MS literatury z roku 2022 dostupné v knihovně LabRulezLCMS
LC-MS - Jednoduché kvadrupóly (3)
HPLC: Combining mass spectra, retention time modelling, and charged aerosol detection for unambiguous peak annotation and uniform-response quantitation in polysorbate profiling (Posters | 2022)
HPLC: High-throughput analysis of oligonucleotides using a single quadrupole mass spectrometer for quality control (Posters | 2022)
ISC: High-throughput analysis of oligonucleotides using a single quadrupole mass spectrometer for quality control (Posters | 2022)
Pragolab: LC-MS - Jednoduché kvadrupóly Thermo ISQ EM a EC
LC-MS/MS - Trojité kvadrupóly (15)
Klinická analýza
Determination of drugs of abuse in biological samples by accelerated solvent extraction and LC-MS/MS (Aplikace | 2022)
ASMS: Retrospective Alignment and Chromatogram Libraries Enable High-Throughput Targeted Assays (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: Rapid Simultaneous Detection of Respiratory Infectious Diseases using Immunoprecipitation and Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: Including peptide enrichment in a mass spectrometry-based workflow for the absolute quantitation of SARS-CoV-2 (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: Direct Quantitation of Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) in Volume-Controlled Dried Blood Spots using the Fully Automated Transcend DSX-1 System (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: FAIMS Improves the Signal-to-Noise Ratio when Performing Targeted LC-MS/MS Measurements of Interference-Prone Analytes (Postery | 2022)
Potraviny a zemědělství
RAFA: Implementing new GC-MS and LC-MS technologies to stay ahead with your food safety analysis from pesticides to PFAS and microplastics (Prezentace | 2022)
Assessment of mixed-mode chromatography for underivatized glyphosate and glufosinate analysis in foodstuffs (Aplikace | 2022)
ASMS: Recent Advancements in LC-MS/MS Technology for Enabling Improvements in the Multi-residue Analysis of Veterinary Drugs in Food (Postery | 2022)
Životní prostředí
Assessment of mixed-mode chromatography for underivatized glyphosate and glufosinate analysis in foodstuffs (Aplikace | 2022)
NEMC: Strategies for Ultra Low-level Detection and Quantification of Short- and Long- Chain Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) by Direct Injection LC-MS/MS (Prezentace | 2022)
Proteomika & Metabolomika & Farmaceutická analýza
ASMS: High aspect ratio pillar array columns for deep proteome profiling at moderate LC pump pressures (Postery | 2022)
To gain new biological insights - Virus research solutions (Brožury a specifikace | 2022)
Pragolab: UHPLC Thermo Scientific Vanquish Horizon a Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantis
LC-MS - HRMS Orbitrap spektrometry (60)
Farmaceutická analýza
Thermo Scientific Direct Mass Technology mode (Brožury a specifikace | 2022)
HPLC: QA/QC Analytical Methods for the Structural Analysis of Biotherapeutic Viruses (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: Retention Time Based FAIMS Depletion of Protein Drugs in Peptide Mapping to Increase Coverage of Background Host Cell Proteins (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: Characterization and quantification of lipid nanoparticle components and their degradants in vivo using an LC-HRAM MS platform (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: Characterization of monoclonal antibodies and antibody drug conjugates using iCIEF-MS online coupling platform (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: Characterization of mRNA vaccine 5’ and 3’ end products using BioPharma Finder 5.0 (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: Accelerated Solvent Extraction & Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry For Analysis of Additives in Polymers For Biomanufacturing Processes (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: Streamlining workflow from characterization to monitoring of therapeutic oligonucleotides impurities across IPRP-LC-HRAM-MS platforms (Postery | 2022)
The MAM 2.0 workflow enables seamless transition from research and development to quality control (Aplikace | 2022)
Assessing key attributes of adeno-associated viral proteins using HPLC-FLD-intact mass analysis (Aplikace | 2022)
Consistent results for peptide mapping and monitoring across three systems of the Vanquish UHPLC platform (Aplikace | 2022)
mRNA direct sequence mapping using automated partial digestion with magnetic nuclease and LC-HRMS (Aplikace | 2022)
Characterization of in vitro-transcribed (IVT) mRNA poly(A) tail by LC-HRAM-MS and BioPharma Finder 5.0 software (Aplikace | 2022)
Characterization of mRNA 5’ capping products using an LC-HRAM-MS/MS analytical platform and Thermo Scientific BioPharma Finder software solution (Aplikace | 2022)
A validated LC-HRAM-MS method for the rapid and confident determination of azido (AZBT) impurity in sartan drug products (Aplikace | 2022)
To gain new biological insights - Virus research solutions (Brožury a specifikace | 2022)
Identification of plastic additives in pharmaceutical packaging using a fully automated parallel extraction evaporator system and UHPLC-HRMS (Aplikace | 2022)
ISC: Oligonucleotide sequencing by LC-MS/MS (Prezentace | 2022)
Thermo Scientific Direct Mass Technology mode (Brožury a specifikace | 2022)
ASMS: High aspect ratio pillar array columns for deep proteome profiling at moderate LC pump pressures (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: Balancing sensitivity and throughput for the analysis of limited sample amounts in proteomics with ultra-low nano-flow LC-MS (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: Optimization of FAIMS-XL-MS Workflow for Phospho-Enrichable Crosslinkers (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: Assessing key attributes of adeno-associated viral proteins using UHPLC-FLD-intact accurate mass analysis (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: Improved Deep Learning-based Rescoring for Immunopeptide Identification (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: Optimized Sample Preparation for Phospho-Enrichable Crosslinkers (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: Democratization of Metaproteome Analysis by Combining Fully Automated Sample Preparation and AI-driven Data Analysis (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: An Automated Sample Preparation Solution for Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: Novel ion activation workflows in the hybrid Orbitrap-Omnitrap platform empower top-down and bottom-up proteomics (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: Simultaneous targeted and discovery phosphoproteomics of cell signaling pathways using novel hybrid-DIA acquisition strategy (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: Exploring linear sequence determinants of inferred Collisional Cross-Sections of unmodified and phosphorylated peptides in an Orbitrap Mass Analyzer (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: High-Throughput Proteomic Analysis of Stored Red Blood Cells from Non-Domestic Cat Species (Postery | 2022)
Go Beyond Limited samples to single-cell proteomics (Brožury a specifikace | 2022)
To gain new biological insights - Virus research solutions (Brožury a specifikace | 2022)
Multi-draw: Enabling large volume injections for lyophilization-free LC-MS proteomics workflows on the Vanquish Neo UHPLC system (Technické články | 2022)
Potraviny a zemědělství
ASMS: Detection and Quantitation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Pork Meat using an LC-Orbitrap High-Resolution Mass Spectrometer (Postery | 2022)
RAFA: High quality curated HRAM MSn spectral libraries and real time library search for the confident annotation of flavonoids in tea (Postery | 2022)
RAFA: Implementing new GC-MS and LC-MS technologies to stay ahead with your food safety analysis from pesticides to PFAS and microplastics (Prezentace | 2022)
RAFA: Intelligent data acquisition for untargeted metabolomics of milk samples coupled with quantitative high-resolution accurate mass data collection (Postery | 2022)
AOAC: An LC-Orbitrap-MS Based Non-targeted Metabolomics Approach for Investigation of Honey Adulteration (Postery | 2022)
AOAC: Multi-mycotoxin Analysis in Corn-Based Feed by Quadrupole-Orbitrap LC-MS/MS (Postery | 2022)
AOAC: Detection and Quantitation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Pork Meat using an LC-Orbitrap High-Resolution Mass Spectrometer (Postery | 2022)
Forenzní analýza a toxikologie
LC-MS/MS toxicology workflow on the new Orbitrap Exploris 120 mass spectrometer for screening, quantitation, and confirmation of drugs (Technické články | 2022)
ASMS: Targeted Forensic Screening and Semi-Quantitation of Drugs in Urine Using an HRAM Mass Spectrometer (Postery | 2022)
Klinická analýza
ASMS: High-Throughput Proteomic Analysis of Stored Red Blood Cells from Non-Domestic Cat Species (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: Accelerating proteotyping transformation into clinical routine via an intelligent data acquisition Hybrid-DIA MS based proteomics solution (Postery | 2022)
Monitoring the intact light chain of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies in human serum using an Orbitrap Exploris 240 mass spectrometer for clinical research (Aplikace | 2022)
Thermo Scientific Direct Mass Technology mode (Brožury a specifikace | 2022)
Metabolomics: High quality curated HRAM MSn spectral libraries and real time library search for the confident annotation of metabolites (Postery | 2022)
Metabolomics: Intelligence Driven Metabolomics Workflows: Hardware and Software Innovations for Improved Quantification and Annotation (Postery | 2022)
Metabolomics: Intelligent data acquisition for untargeted metabolomics followed by high-throughput quantitative metabolomics utilizing high-resolution accurate mass measurements (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: An intelligent data acquisition workflow for untargeted metabolomics to achieve deep metabolome coverage and confident compound annotation (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: High-throughput quantitative metabolomics utilizing high-resolution accurate mass measurements (Postery | 2022)
ASMS: High quality curated HRAM MSn spectral libraries and real time library search for the confident annotation of metabolites (Postery | 2022)
To gain new biological insights - Virus research solutions (Brožury a specifikace | 2022)
RAFA: High quality curated HRAM MSn spectral libraries and real time library search for the confident annotation of flavonoids in tea (Postery | 2022)
RAFA: Intelligent data acquisition for untargeted metabolomics of milk samples coupled with quantitative high-resolution accurate mass data collection (Postery | 2022)
AOAC: An LC-Orbitrap-MS Based Non-targeted Metabolomics Approach for Investigation of Honey Adulteration (Postery | 2022)
Pragolab Hmotnostní spektrometr Thermo Scientific Orbitrap IQ-X Tribrid