Analysis of PCVs, AOCs, ADCs, and RNPs with Light Scattering

XDCs, such as antibody-drug conjugates (ADC), antibody oligo conjugates (AOC), ribonucleoproteins (RNP), and conjugate vaccines are growing rapidly due to advances in their component technology and their promise of higher efficacy compared to traditional therapies.
However, these complex hybrids are more heterogeneous than traditional biologics, posing additional analytical challenges. Quality attributes such as composition, aggregation, purity, and conformation can all affect the efficacy and toxicity of the product.
In this online webinar, we will demonstrate the value of light scattering in XDC development and its potential application in quality control (QC) as part of a release assay. We will explore how light scattering provides reproducible and comprehensive quality attribute data in a single platform and provides savings on time and resources for the development of complex XDC drugs.