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Agilent Technologies
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Increase Throughput and Reduce Errors by Automating LIMS Connectivity

ZÁZNAM | Proběhlo Ne, 1.1.2023
Přehled nástrojů, které pomáhají laboratořím dosáhnout obousměrné přímé integrace informací o vzorcích a výsledcích z Agilent CDS a dalších zdrojů a LIMS.
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Agilent Technologies: Increase Throughput and Reduce Errors by Automating LIMS Connectivity

Agilent Technologies: Increase Throughput and Reduce Errors by Automating LIMS Connectivity

By automating the links between CDS and LIMS, a lab cam increase productivity and reduce errors.

Agilent has multiple ways to help labs do this for Agilent CDS systems as well as non-CDS data sources. This talk will give an overview of tools that help labs achieve bi-directional direct integration of sample information and results from Agilent CDS plus other sources and LIMS.

Presenter: Dr. Ute Bober (Informatics Division, Agilent Technologies, Inc.)

Ute Bober is a Product Owner for the Software and Informatics Division at Agilent Technologies, where she focuses on delivering, maintaining and marketing software for effective laboratory workflow management. Ute has more than 20 years of professional experience in informatics. She started her career as an analytical research chemist and soon took the opportunity to develop towards software and informatics by working in field support, product management and product marketing at Hewlett Packard and Agilent Technologies. Since 2013 she is bringing here knowledge into the field of technical marketing where she currently owns the Sample Scheduler for OpenLab.

Agilent Technologies
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.