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Waters Corporation
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Firmu Waters založil v roce 1958 pan James Waters. Od té doby se společnost Waters specializuje na kapalinovou chromatografii a hmotnostní spektrometrii. Divize TA Instruments působí na poli termální analýzy. V České republice je Waters zastoupen přímou pobočkou, která sídlí v Praze.
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Easy & Efficient Amino Acid Sample Prep followed by Accurate Detection - a look at Wet and Dry Pet Food

ZÁZNAM | Proběhlo Út, 26.9.2023
Zjistěte více o účinné hydrolýze, separaci a detekci aminokyselin v doplňcích stravy, mase rostlinného původu a krmivu pro domácí zvířata.
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Waters Corporation: Easy & Efficient Amino Acid Sample Prep followed by Accurate Detection - a look at Wet and Dry Pet Food
Waters Corporation: Easy & Efficient Amino Acid Sample Prep followed by Accurate Detection - a look at Wet and Dry Pet Food

Amino Acid Analysis is required in many applications related to foods, dietary supplements and animal feeds and is a fundamental tool for monitoring product QC and compliance with nutritional labeling.

AOAC International has recently published a standardized method (AOAC Official Method 2018.06) for the analysis of total amino acids in infant formulas and adult nutritionals by UHPLC-UV. For some samples, to obtain a full amino acid profile, the samples must first be hydrolyzed. Due to the varied properties of amino acids and diversity of sample matrices, hydrolysis, separation and detection represents an analytical challenge. Learn more about effective hydrolysis, separation and detection of amino acids in dietary supplements, plant-based meats, and pet food during a 3-part webinar series with CEM and Waters.

Presenter: Alicia Douglas Stell, Ph.D. (Market Development Manager, Applied Markets, CEM Corporation)

Dr. Alicia Douglas Stell has worked with CEM for the past 15 years, joining after completing her PhD in Analytical Chemistry. Her extensive background in chromatographic analysis and her mechanical expertise have been integral in the development of both instrumentation and novel applications. In her role as Market Development Manager, she is continuously exploring new applications and markets for innovative technology, focused around sample preparation.

Presenter: Benedict Liu (Product Specialist, Organic Solutions, CEM Corporation)

Benedict Liu graduated from UNC Chapel Hill in 2018 with a bachelor's degree in chemistry and mathematics. He joined CEM soon after and has been with the company for 5 years serving as an applications chemist and product specialist for the Molecular Sample Preparation division. In his time at CEM, Ben has worked to develop solutions for the extraction of organic pollutants in soils and product, microwave amino acid hydrolysis protocols, and automated extraction methods for PFAS in solid and semi-solid matrices.

Presenter: Paula Phenix (Principal Product Marketing Manager, Waters Corporation)

Paula is a Principal Product Marketing Manager at Waters with a focus on products for amino acid and glycan analysis. Prior to her current role in the Chemistry and Lab Automation Group, she was the Product Marketing Manager for Specialty LC and SFC Systems in the Instruments group. Before joining Waters, she held product management, marketing and sales roles for several companies (Life Technologies, Promega, MilliporeSigma) in the molecular biology, immunology, cell culture and single-use bioprocessing areas. Paula graduated from the University of Delaware with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and from Johns Hopkins University with a Master’s degree in Business.

Presenter: Ravali Alagandula, Ph.D. (Chemistry Market Development Manager, Waters Corporation)

Ravali is a Chemistry Market Development Manager at Waters with focus on all chemistry consumables and lab automation products. She holds a Ph. D. in Analytical Chemistry from Cleveland State University. She started her career as an LC applications scientist at Restek, developing LC-MS/MS and sample preparation methods in clinical and life science markets. Most recently, Ravali was a Chemistry Account Manager at Waters supporting key accounts and customers to promote chemistry consumable business in all market areas.

Waters Corporation
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