Enhanced Glycopeptide Identification Using the SYNAPT XS Q-ToF with Ion Mobility Enabled Wideband Enhancement
Aplikace | 2020 | WatersInstrumentace
Iontová mobilita, LC/TOF, LC/HRMS, LC/MS, LC/MS/MS
Klíčová slovawideband, enhancement, synapt, singly, mobility, charged, glycopeptide, brief, ions, observed, glycopeptides, enabled, tof, technology, ion, glycopeptideid, score, ascertained, datafiles, oxonium, characteristics, synchronize, them, charge, pusher, favored, mass, axes, increases, termed, separated, housed, inset, spectrum, synchronized, compiled, waters, nanoflow, doubly, measured, small, route, detrimental, duty, backbone, were, spectrometer, tend, whose, encountered
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S t r u c t u r a l A n a lys i s o f a n O - G lyc o p e p t i d e D e r i v e d f…
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High Definition Data Directed Analysis (HD-DDA)
2013|Waters|Technické články
High Definition Data Directed Analysis (HD-DDA) Nick Tomczyk, Alistair Wallace, Keith Richardson, Arkadiusz Grzyb, and Jason Wildgoose G OA L High Definition Data Directed Analysis provides the To improve routine discovery workflows with High Definition Data Directed Analysis (HD-DDA), a…
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Full Spectrum Molecular Imaging on the SYNAPT XS: Combined Imaging Techniques Yield Comprehensive Results
2021|Waters|Technické články
[ TECHNOLOGY BRIEF ] Full Spectrum Molecular Imaging on the SYNAPT XS: Combined Imaging Techniques Yield Comprehensive Results Emmanuelle Claude, Mark Towers, and Joanne Ballantyne Waters Corporation, Wilmslow, UK Features both fully integrated traditional MALDI and new and improved DESI…
Klíčová slova
imaging, imagingdesi, desisynapt, synaptmolecules, moleculesmolecular, molecularmaldi, maldihdi, hdispectrum, spectrumsmall, smalltechniques, techniquescomplementary, complementaryfsmi, fsmibrief, brieffull, fullsections