LC-MS/MS Analysis Using Coinjection Method with the SIL-30AC
Technické články | 2016 | ShimadzuInstrumentace
Příprava vzorků, LC/MS, LC/MS/MS, LC/QQQ
Klíčová slovacoinjection, pretreatment, target, µmol, lcm, method, conventional, internal, acylcarnitines, dbs, amino, orn, standard, cit, function, solution, analysis, performed, average, tyr, arg, leu, val, ala, asp, gly, glu, phe, indicators, sample, level, ⅰand, acids, liquid, autosampler, met, program, ratio, blood, used, protocol, extraction, chromsystems, news, pro, soaking, simultaneous, volume, conformance, kit
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