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Analysis of Microcystin in Drinking Water and Environmental Water Using Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS


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Analysis of Microcystin in Drinking Water and Environmental Water Using Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS
Application News No. Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Microcystin in Drinking Water and Environmental Water Using Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS C204 „ Analysis Conditions Water bloom or algal bloom is a phenomenon that occurs when certain types of phytoplankton spread…
Klíčová slova
microcystin, microcystinwater, waterbloom, bloomarea, areadrinking, drinkingmineral, mineralmanmade, manmaderecovery, recoveryrsd, rsdprobe, probepond, pondnews, newsalgal, algalcompound, compoundqarray
Identification and Quantitation of Microcystins by Targeted Full-Scan LC-MS/MS
Terry Zhang, Reiko Kiyonami, Leo Wang and Guifeng Jiang Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA, USA Key Words Velos Pro, UltiMate, Water Analysis, Cyanobacteria, Microcystin Goal Develop a simple and sensitive LC-MS method for definitive identification and quantitation of microcystins…
Klíčová slova
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Identification and Quantitation of Microcystins by Targeted Full-Scan LC-MS/MS
Terry Zhang, Reiko Kiyonami, Leo Wang and Guifeng Jiang Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA, USA Key Words Velos Pro, UltiMate, Water Analysis, Cyanobacteria, Microcystin Goal Develop a simple and sensitive LC-MS method for definitive identification and quantitation of microcystins…
Klíčová slova
microcystins, microcystinsvelos, velosidentification, identificationscan, scanenable, enablefull, fullguideline, guidelinemsn, msnquantitation, quantitationprovisional, provisionalmicrocystin, microcystintargeted, targetednomenclature, nomenclaturewho, whostructural
Rapid, high throughput quantitation of cyanotoxins in natural water by UHPLC-MS-MS
PO-CON1570E Rapid, high throughput quantitation of cyanotoxins in natural water by UHPLC-MS-MS ASMS 2015 ThP 137 Tom Russell1; Deborah Schordock2 Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD; North East Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD), Cuyahoga Heights, OH 1 2 Rapid, high throughput…
Klíčová slova
microcystin, microcystinerie, erielake, lakecyanotoxins, cyanotoxinsnatural, naturalamt, amtuhplc, uhplccalc, calcspl, splwater, watersurrogate, surrogatehepatotoxin, hepatotoxinquant, quantcyanotoxin, cyanotoxinspike
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.