Analysis of Polymer Additives Using LCMS-2020
Aplikace | | ShimadzuInstrumentace
ZaměřeníPrůmysl a chemie
Klíčová slovaesi, normal, container, tinuvinp, plastic, polymers, food, additives, absorbers, polymer, tic, pertaining, chro, tro, deprotonated, observable, negative, positive, antioxidants, ultrasonic, min, flow, ultraviolet, mobile, materials, bath, rubber, containers, fine, cutting, nebulizing, minute, quantities, packaging, cid, oxide, phase, lens, structures, molecule, commercial, temperature, placed, affect, probe, drying, news, obtain, gas, makes
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LAAN-A-LM-E041 Application News Liquid Chro ma t o g r a p h y Ma ss S p e c tro m e tr y N o . C70 Analysis of Water-Soluble Vitamins with Multi-Mode ODS Column Using LCMS-2020 Dietary…
Klíčová slova
vitamins, vitaminssoluble, solublenutritional, nutritionalfunctional, functionalcrush, crushchro, chromortar, mortartro, trowater, watercereal, cerealweakly, weaklynutrients, nutrientsquantitation, quantitationfood, foodflow
Analysis of Additives in Food Containers Using LCMS-9030 Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer
Application News LC/MS LCMS™-9030 Analysis of Additives in Food Containers Using LCMS-9030 Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer No. C236 T. Goda User Benefits Simple qualitative analysis of various types of additives contained in polymer materials is possible by…
Klíčová slova
esi, esifood, foodpositive, positivefilm, filmpack, packtinuvin, tinuvinadditives, additivescontainers, containerspolymer, polymernews, newsquantitative, quantitativeanalysis, analysisname, namecompound, compoundchromatograph
Analytical Solutions for Analysis of Polymer Additives
C10G-E095 Analytical Solutions for Analysis of Polymer Additives Introduction Polymer additives are compounds added to plastic products to increase their durability and functionality. Although plastic products are used in a wide range of fields, including as packaging containers for pharmaceuticals…
Klíčová slova
additives, additivespolymer, polymeranalysis, analysisplastic, plasticlibrary, libraryplasticizer, plasticizeredx, edxlubricant, lubricantindex, indexpackaging, packagingfood, foodacrylic, acrylicesi, esispectrum, spectrumcfrp
Ultra Fast Analysis of Combination Cold Remedy Using LCMS-2020
|Shimadzu|Technické články
LAAN-A-LM-E037 Application News Liquid Chro ma t o g r a p h y Ma ss S p e c tro m e tr y N o .C66 Ultra Fast Analysis of Combination Cold Remedy Using LCMS-2020 Now that ultra…
Klíčová slova
positive, positivenegative, negativeremedy, remedyion, ioncold, coldmode, modecombination, combinationscan, scanultra, ultrameasurement, measurementtic, ticfast, fastswitching, switchingsharp, sharpmass