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Monitoring and Management of POPs in Asia - Monitoring of PFCs in Environmental Water in the Asian Region


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Shimadzu Journal Vol 03 - Environmental Analysis
SJ15_0031 ISSN 2188-0484 Shimadzu 03 Environmental Analysis and more... ISSUE 1 Dear Reader, Director’s note The year 2015 has started with the celebration of Shimadzu’s 140th anniversary. We have been striving for these 140 years to offer the highest technologies…
Klíčová slova
environmental, environmentalshimadzu, shimadzugroundwater, groundwaterwater, waterfracking, frackinganalysis, analysishydraulic, hydraulicproject, projectmicroorganisms, microorganismsenergy, energyresearch, researchpfoa, pfoanpcs, npcsfracturing, fracturingwastewater
Advancing Perfluorinated Compound Analysis Using Simultaneous Matrix Monitoring
Advancing Perfluorinated Compound Analysis Using Simultaneous Matrix Monitoring Paul Silcock,1 Anna Karrman,2 and Bert van Bavel 2 1 Waters Corporation, Manchester, UK 2 MTM Research Centre, Dept. of Natural Science, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden A P P L I C…
Klíčová slova
mrm, mrmpfcs, pfcsradar, radarperfluorinated, perfluorinatedpfc, pfcadvancing, advancingmonitoring, monitoringthpfos, thpfosscan, scanpfbus, pfbusdual, dualsimultaneous, simultaneousmatrix, matrixxevo, xevopfos
Analysis of Perfluorooctane Sulfonamidoethanols (FOSEs) and Fluorotelomer Alcohols (FTOHs) in Textiles by LC/MS/MS
Application News No. AD-0201 Textile Analysis / LCMS-8050 Analysis of Perfluorooctane Sulfonamidoethanols (FOSEs) and Fluorotelomer Alcohols (FTOHs) in Textiles by LC/MS/MS Jun Xiang Lee1, Sue Ann Lee2, Timothy Yan Ann Lim3, Wan Tung Liw1, Jie Xing1 and Zhaoqi Zhan1 1Shimadzu…
Klíčová slova
foses, fosespfcs, pfcsftohs, ftohsetfose, etfosemefose, mefosetextile, textileperfluorooctane, perfluorooctanetextiles, textilesmrm, mrmsulfonamidoethanols, sulfonamidoethanolsextract, extractwere, werenmefose, nmefosenews, newsfluorotelomer
LC/MS Analysis of Perfluorochemicals (PFCs) Using Impurity Delay Method
LAAN-A-LM-E038A Application News Liquid Chro ma t o g r a p h y Ma ss S p e c tro m e tr y N o . C67A LC/MS Analysis of Perfluorochemicals (PFCs) Using Impurity Delay Method The 4th…
Klíčová slova
pfoa, pfoapfos, pfosconcentration, concentrationmobile, mobiledelay, delayphase, phaseimpurity, impurityperfluorochemicals, perfluorochemicalsrsd, rsdpfhps, pfhpspfds, pfdspfbs, pfbspfhxs, pfhxsinstalled, installedcolumn
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