Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Benchtop Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer - Product Specifications
Brožury a specifikace | 2016 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentace
ZaměřeníVýrobceThermo Fisher Scientific
Klíčová slovaion, mass, exactive, source, hcd, orbitrap, high, ions, ecif, resolution, collision, ruggedness, splitting, fragmentation, ica, accurate, performance, data, lens, sensitivity, nanospray, detection, control, multiplexing, scan, thermo, analyzer, rod, quadrupole, vacuum, compatible, scientific, acquisition, enhanced, filter, benchtop, idependent, apci, filled, cell, multiplexity, full, software, system, transfer, gain, variable, pentium, interleaved, modes
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Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Focus Orbitrap LC-MS/MS System - Product Specifications
2016|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Brožury a specifikace
MASS SPECTROMETRY Affordable. Durable. Proven. P rod u ct S p ecif ica t ions Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Focus Orbitrap LC-MS/MS System • Scan speed up to 12 Hz with Orbitrap Analyzer Technology for best screening and quantitative results…
Klíčová slova
hcd, hcdmass, massorbitrap, orbitrapexactive, exactiveion, ionfocus, focusthermo, thermoanalyzer, analyzerscientific, scientificdata, dataecif, ecifresolution, resolutionhigh, highcollision, collisionsplitting
Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Plus Orbitrap LC-MS/MS System - Product Specifications
2016|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Brožury a specifikace
MASS SPECTROMETRY Pr odu c t Spe c i f i c at i ons Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Plus Orbitrap LC-MS/MS System Characterize, quantify and confirm with unmatched confidence • Advanced quadrupole technology (AQT) for superior precursor isolation 165.0910…
Klíčová slova
hcd, hcdion, ionmass, massorbitrap, orbitrapadvanced, advancedexactive, exactiveaqt, aqtthermo, thermocollision, collisionfragmentation, fragmentationquadrupole, quadrupolebeam, beamanalyzer, analyzerscientific, scientificodu
Thermo Scientific Q Exactive HF-X Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap MS System - PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS
2017|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Brožury a specifikace
PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Thermo Scientific Q Exactive HF-X Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap MS System • Scan speed up to 40 Hz with ultra-high-field Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap™ mass analyzer technology • Resolution of up to 240,000 (FWHM) at m/z 200 • High Capacity Transfer…
Klíčová slova
ion, ionexactive, exactivemass, massorbitrap, orbitrapthermo, thermohctt, hcttflow, flowdata, dataelectrodynamic, electrodynamicscan, scanahcd, ahcdscientific, scientificacquisition, acquisitionvacuum, vacuumhigh
Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid Mass Spectrometer - Product Specifications
2016|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Brožury a specifikace
MASS SPECTROMETRY Unmatched analytical performance, revolutionary MS architecture Product Specif ications Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid Mass Spectrometer The Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Fusion™ mass spectrometer combines the best of quadrupole, Orbitrap, and linear ion trap mass analysis in a revolutionary…
Klíčová slova
ion, ionetd, etdorbitrap, orbitrapscientific, scientificmass, massthermo, thermotrap, traprouting, routingmultipole, multipolehermo, hermoscan, scanexperiments, experimentssoftware, softwareanalyzers, analyzersprecursor