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Improvements for High Resolution Analysis on a Modified Tribrid Mass Spectrometer

Postery | 2015 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentace
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Klíčová slova
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Influence of Ion Storage Location and Multiple Fill/Laser Pulse Sequence on Top-down UVPD Using an Orbitrap Fusion Mass Spektrometer
† Poster Note 644 8 4 Influence of Ion Storage Location and Multiple Fill/Laser Pulse Sequence on Influence of ion storage location and multiple fill/laser pulse sequ Top-down UVPD Using an Orbitrap Fusion Chad R. Weisbrod†, Dustin D. Holden‡, John…
Klíčová slova
laser, laserpulse, pulseuvpd, uvpdcoverage, coveragesequence, sequencelpc, lpchpc, hpcenergy, energyioninjection, ioninjectionlaserpulse, laserpulseorbitrapfusion, orbitrapfusionmultiple, multipleion, ionfigure, figureions
Revolutionizing Data Independent Acquisition on q-OT-IT Tribrid Mass Spectrometers
Methods A F e d 2 p l Sample Preparation Before committing valuable sample, instrument performance was verified using a standard Pierce HeLa cell digest with Biognosys HRM kit spiked in 1:10 according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Next, two non-small…
Klíčová slova
thethe, thethefusion, fusionparent, parentorbitrap, orbitrapgroups, groupsprotein, proteinlumos, lumoscell, cellparentdrdr, parentdrdrresistant, resistantexpression, expressionlibrary, librarydia, diaspectronaut, spectronautapproximately
Optimizing Top Down Analysis of Proteins on Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid Mass Spectrometer
Methods Sample Preparation and Liquid Chromatography Protein standards (Ubiquitin, Carbonic anhydrase and Enolase) were purchased from Sigma Aldrich. Proteins were infused at 1pmol/ul at a flow rate 5ul/min for direct infusion experiments. Recombinant Human TROP2 protein (extracellular domain) was purchased…
Klíčová slova
etd, etdlumos, lumosorbitrap, orbitraptop, topdown, downfusion, fusionintact, intactproteins, proteinsfragmentation, fragmentationenolase, enolasecoverage, coveragesequence, sequenceprotein, proteinwere, werecarbonic
Developments in Orbitrap mass spectrometry on a modified Tribrid mass spectrometer
Developments in Orbitrap mass spectrometry on a modified Tribrid mass spectrometer Jesse Canterbury1, Graeme McAlister1, Michael Senko1, Romain Huguet1, Aaron Robitaille1, Arne Kreutzmann2, Konstantin Aizikov2, Dmitry Grinfeld2, and Alexander Makarov2 1Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, California, USA; 2Thermo Fisher Scientific,…
Klíčová slova
φsdm, φsdmtmt, tmtfft, fftphisdm, phisdmelectrode, electrodetrap, traporbitrap, orbitrappressure, pressurecentral, centralmagnitude, magnitudeion, iondecay, decaylowered, loweredvoltage, voltageions
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LabRulez s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena. Obsah dostupný pod licencí CC BY-SA 4.0 Uveďte původ-Zachovejte licenci.