Thermo Scientific HPLC and UHPLC Systems: LC Portfolio for LC-MS Applications
Ostatní | 2018 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentace
ZaměřeníVýrobceThermo Fisher Scientific
Klíčová slovathermo, scientific, systems, vanquish, binary, thermostatting, biocompatible, horizon, uhplc, flex, portfolio, quaternary, mixing, applications, modes, biors, pressure, integration, rslcnano, system, technologies, workhorse, throughput, detection, economic, specialty, hplc, duo, multiple, unmatched, high, nano, solvent, sensitivity, proteomics, two, low, cap, front, leading, workflows, micro, flow, options, ideal, industry, overview, end, recommended, routine
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Limited Resources? Unlimited Opportunities! New Dual HPLC Overcomes Limitations
2019|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Prezentace
Limited Resources? Unlimited Opportunities! New Dual HPLC Overcomes Limitations Patrick Bohman The world leader in serving science A Mission We are Proud of We enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. 2 A Chromatography Powerhouse Instruments…
Klíčová slova
vanquish, vanquishthermo, thermoscientific, scientificduo, duocad, cadinverse, inversetenofovir, tenofovirgradient, gradientdual, dualdetector, detectoruhplc, uhplcsystem, systemtandem, tandemisq, isqmin
Revolutionising Chromatography with the Vanquish UHPLC Systems
2019|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Prezentace
Revolutionising Chromatography with the Vanquish UHPLC Systems Dr. Carsten Paul HPLC Product Marketing Manager Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germering, Germany The world leader in serving science Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ UHPLC Systems – 5 Years Anniversary 2014 Vanquish Horizon System 2 2015…
Klíčová slova
vanquish, vanquishduo, duogradient, gradienttandem, tandembinary, binarysystem, systemthroughput, throughputhorizon, horizonflex, flexdelay, delaytenofovir, tenofovirsmartinject, smartinjectcompensation, compensationquaternary, quaternaryprecision
Introduction to Thermo Scientific UHPLC World
|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Prezentace
Introduction to Thermo Scientific UHPLC World The world leader in serving science 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific Laboratory Channel Enterprise Services Industry-Leading Brands Instrument Services Laboratory Products Life Science Research Products Convenience Asset Management Specialty Diagnostics Genetic Analysis Logistics Supply Management…
Klíčová slova
scientific, scientificuhplc, uhplcthermo, thermosystem, systemnlc, nlcnano, nanovanquish, vanquishbiors, biorsrslcnano, rslcnanohplc, hplcdionex, dionexservices, servicesfingertight, fingertightworld, worldhypersil
Thermo Scientific Vanquish Neo UHPLC system
2021|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Brožury a specifikace
Vanquish Neo UHPLC System Beyond brilliant 2 The new standard in nano-, capillary-, and micro-flow LC For researchers pursuing the next scientific breakthrough, the Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ Neo UHPLC system offers the highest performance, productivity, and usability of any nano-,…
Klíčová slova
vanquish, vanquishneo, neoscientific, scientificthermo, thermouhplc, uhplcsystem, systemflow, flowloading, loadingnanoviper, nanovipernano, nanoinjection, injectiondirect, directequilibration, equilibrationroutines, routinestrap