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Speciation analysis of Cr (III) and Cr (VI) in drinking waters using anion exchange chromatography coupled to the Thermo Scientific iCAP Q ICP-MS

Aplikace | 2012 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentace
Iontová chromatografie, ICP/MS
Životní prostředí
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Klíčová slova
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The Migration of Elements from Toys and Speciation of Chromium (VI) in Toy Material Using a Low Cost IC-ICP-MS Solution
Daniel Kutscher, Shona McSheehy Ducos, Lothar Rottmann, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany Appli cat i on N ote 4 3 1 7 5 The Migration of Elements from Toys and Speciation of Chromium (VI) in Toy Material Using a Low Cost…
Klíčová slova
toy, toychromium, chromiumicp, icpelemental, elementalspeciation, speciationicap, icapmigration, migrationpaint, paintpfa, pfafinger, fingertotal, totalscientific, scientificspiked, spikedquantification, quantificationqcell
Speciation Applications Summary Ion Chromatography
Speciation Applications Summary Ion Chromatography
2017|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Příručky
Speciation Applications Summary Ion Chromatography Elemental Species Separation and Detection Table of contents Introduction Speciation Analysis 3 Complete inorganic analysis Periodic Table of Total Inorganic Analysis 4 Arsenic IC-ICP-MS speciation analysis of As in apple juice using the Thermo Scientific…
Klíčová slova
icp, icpicap, icapspeciation, speciationarsenic, arsenicmercury, mercurylod, lodinorganic, inorganiciodide, iodiderice, ricespecies, speciescoupled, coupledinductively, inductivelyversion, versionequivalent, equivalentdownload
Ensuring toy safety from hexavalent chromium to meet European regulations using IC-ICPMS quantification
APPLICATION BRIEF 000383 Ensuring toy safety from hexavalent chromium to meet European regulations using IC-ICPMS quantification Authors: Silvia Villarreal, Laurent Naels, Jean-François Garnier EMEA Customer Solution Center, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Paris, France Keywords: Speciation, trace metals, Chromium VI, Cr(VI), toy…
Klíčová slova
migration, migrationicpms, icpmsicap, icaptoy, toychromium, chromiumhexavalent, hexavalentscientific, scientificglue, glueicp, icpreliably, reliablytoys, toysconditions, conditionspaint, paintqtegra, qtegracategories
Comparing IC and HPLC systems for speciation analysis – a case study
Comparing IC and HPLC systems for speciation analysis – a case study
2020|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Technické články
TECHNICAL NOTE 44461 Comparing IC and HPLC systems for speciation analysis – a case study Authors: Daniel Kutscher1, Carl A. Fisher2, and John Schmelzel3; 1Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany; 2 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Sunnyvale, CA, USA; 3Thermo Fisher Scientific, San…
Klíčová slova
hplc, hplcspeciation, speciationeluent, eluentchromium, chromiumchromatography, chromatographyelements, elementsion, ioncontamination, contaminationsystem, systeminterferences, interferencesmetal, metalspecies, speciesicp, icpisocratic, isocraticintegrion
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