Bayer Pharma AG implements a fully automated interpretation workflow for finding target masses
Ostatní | 2016 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentace
LC/HRMS, LC/MS, LC/Orbitrap
ZaměřeníFarmaceutická analýza
VýrobceThermo Fisher Scientific
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Bayer Pharma AG implements a fully automated interpretation workflow for finding target masses
2016|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Ostatní
BAYER CASE STUDY Chromeleon Chromatography Data System (CDS) software Bayer Pharma AG implements a fully automated interpretation workflow for finding target masses Introduction Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals is the pharmaceutical division of Bayer HealthCare AG. The division aims to improve people’s…
Klíčová slova
rene, renespang, spangchromeleon, chromeleonbayer, bayersystem, systemmass, massworkflow, workflowtraces, tracesirc, ircthermo, thermoscientific, scientificautomatically, automaticallyspectrometry, spectrometrylaboratory, laboratoryfisher
Compliance-ready MS Chromeleon CDS: customer perspectives
2021|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Ostatní
CASE STUDY Compliance-ready MS Chromeleon CDS: customer perspectives Introduction Pharmaceutical industry and supporting laboratories such as contract testing, research and manufacturing organizations (CTOs, CROs and CMOs) share many of the same challenges. Foremost are the difficulties of managing analytical workflows,…
Klíčová slova
cds, cdschromeleon, chromeleonaudit, auditreport, reportdata, datacompliance, complianceeverything, everythingtrails, trailsbayer, bayercobra, cobrasoftware, softwaresterling, sterlingintegrity, integritypharma, pharmasst
Chromeleon CDS - Instruments, Intelligence, Insight
2021|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Brožury a specifikace
Chromeleon CDS Instruments, intelligence, insight One CDS for your chromatography and mass spectrometry instruments Our chromatography and mass spectrometry instruments are intuitive and innovative— ensuring simple operation while achieving better separations and higher sensitivity than ever before. Thermo Scientific™ Chromeleon™…
Klíčová slova
cds, cdschromeleon, chromeleonyour, yourdata, datacontrol, controleworkflow, eworkflowreport, reportepanels, epanelsspreadsheet, spreadsheetlaboratory, laboratorydesigner, designersequences, sequencesall, allinstruments, instrumentsreporting
Chromeleon CDS Enterprise Compliance, connectivity, confidence
2018|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Brožury a specifikace
Chromeleon CDS Enterprise Compliance, connectivity, confidence A Chromatography Data System (CDS), networked or enterprise, is vital for compliant, efficient and reliable operation of any modern chromatography laboratory – it will manage all the analytical processes from instrument control, to raw…
Klíčová slova
chromeleon, chromeleondata, datacds, cdslaboratory, laboratorysoftware, softwaredeployment, deploymentnetwork, networkaccess, accesssecurity, securityyour, yourbuilt, builtscalable, scalablecobra, cobraeworkflow, eworkflowready