Bruker Toxtyper
Brožury a specifikace | 2020 | BrukerInstrumentace
ZaměřeníForenzní analýza a toxikologie
Klíčová slovatoxtyper, library, toxicology, nortilidine, opipramol, screening, bruker, push, postmortem, scopolamine, transferable, zaleplon, drugs, button, atropine, zopiclone, zolpidem, spectra, buprenorphine, submission, synthetic, tramadol, compound, oxycodone, fentanyl, search, addictions, psychotropics, abuse, identifications, smartfrag, patented, patterns, spectral, beaten, erated, research, our, libraries, urine, confident, ogy, licit, user, particular, whole, casework, fast, semi, zda
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VITATOX: Toxtyper – a powerful push button solution developer for rapid toxicology screening with a simplified intuitive user interface
Toxtyper 3.0 VITATOX 2020, 7. - 9. 9. 2020 Spolehlivý, rychlý a jednoduchý screening For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. RADANAL, RECIPE, BRUKER Ing. Daniel Vláčil Country Sales Manager Bruker s.r.o. Toxtyper workflow for toxicology screening…
Klíčová slova
toxtyper, toxtypermsn, msnbrandenburg, brandenburgbenzodiazepines, benzodiazepinesmww, mwwmetabolites, metabolitespolice, policewissenbach, wissenbachlibrary, librarymaurer, maurerweber, weberspectra, spectranitrazepam, nitrazepamfentanyl, fentanylforensics
Toxtyper: Detection of opioids and prescription drugs at Miami Dade
Toxtyper: Detection of opioids and prescription drugs at Miami Dade Comprehensive detection and identification of prescription analgesics and illicit opioids in postmortem specimens using Toxtyper. Abstract Ongoing evolution of new designer drugs, also known as new psychoactive substances (NPS), requires…
Klíčová slova
fentanyl, fentanylhydroxythiofentanyl, hydroxythiofentanylheroin, heroinhomogenate, homogenatetoxtyper, toxtyperbeta, betadade, dadebuprenorphine, buprenorphinepara, paramiami, miamidesproprionyl, desproprionylnaloxone, naloxonemdme, mdmeeddp, eddpanalogs
Forensic Screening for Drugs in Urine Using High-Resolution MS/MS Spectra and Simplified High-Performance Screening Software
2015|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
Ap plica t ion Note 61 6 Forensic Screening for Drugs in Urine Using High-Resolution MS/MS Spectra and Simplified High-Performance Screening Software Marta Kozak, Kristine Van Natta, Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA Key Words Q Exactive Focus, ToxFinder, forensic…
Klíčová slova
isotopic, isotopicpattern, patternmatching, matchingtoxfinder, toxfinderfull, fulllod, loddesmethyl, desmethylglucuronide, glucuronidehydroxy, hydroxylibrary, librarycyclobenzaprine, cyclobenzaprineanalyte, analyteexactive, exactivenordiazepam, nordiazepambufotenine
Detection and semi-quantitative determination of designer benzodiazepines in serum using LC-MSn
2017|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
Detection and semi-quantitative determination of designer benzodiazepines in serum using LC-MSn Benzodiazepines play an important role in forensic toxicology as they are widely prescribed in the treatment of psychiatric disorders and also used as drugs of abuse. In 2012 the…
Klíčová slova
benzodiazepines, benzodiazepinessemi, semiquantitative, quantitativetoxtyper, toxtyperdesigner, designeradinazolam, adinazolamlod, lodscreening, screeningserum, serumconcentrations, concentrationsphenazepam, phenazepametizolam, etizolamdesalkylflurazepam, desalkylflurazepamcompounds, compoundsautomatically