OptiFlow™ Interface for TripleTOF® 6600 System
Technické články | 2019 | SCIEXInstrumentace
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Single Source Solution for Low Flow Chromatography
2019|SCIEX|Technické články
Single Source Solution for Low Flow Chromatography OptiFlow® Turbo V™ Source – Always Working in the Sweet Spot of Sensitivity and Robustness Christie Hunter1, Leroi De Souza2, Carmai Seto2, Yang Kang2, Leigh Bedford2, Bradley Schneider2 1 SCIEX, USA, 2SCIEX, Canada…
Klíčová slova
optiflow, optiflowsteadyspray, steadyspraysource, sourcenanoflow, nanoflowmicroflow, microflowprobe, probeflow, flowelectrode, electrodenanospray, nanosprayelectrodes, electrodesregimes, regimesavg, avgprobes, probespositive, positivenano
Rapidly Advance Quantitative Proteomics with a High-Throughput SWATH® Acquisition Solution
Rapidly Advance Quantitative Proteomics with a HighThroughput SWATH® Acquisition Solution Microflow LC with OptiFlow® Turbo V Source on the TripleTOF® 6600+ System and Cloud Processing Christie Hunter SCIEX, USA The combination of microflow LC with SWATH Acquisition for accelerating quantitative…
Klíčová slova
swath, swathmicroflow, microflowproteins, proteinsquantified, quantifiednanoflow, nanoflowcloud, cloudsciex, sciexindustrialized, industrializedquantitative, quantitativeprotein, proteinontologies, ontologiesacquisition, acquisitionproteomics, proteomicsoneomics, oneomicssimilar
Microflow SWATH® Acquisition for Industrialized Quantitative Proteomics
Microflow SWATH® Acquisition for Industrialized Quantitative Proteomics NanoLC™ 400 System with TripleTOF® 6600 System Christie L Hunter1, Nick Morrice2 1 SCIEX, USA, 2SCIEX, UK Data independent acquisition (DIA) strategies have been used to increase the comprehensiveness of data collection while…
Klíčová slova
swath, swathmicroflow, microflowacquisition, acquisitiontripletof, tripletofspecificity, specificitynanoflow, nanoflowgains, gainsrobustness, robustnessdia, diaprovides, providesaebersold, aebersoldchromxp, chromxpruedi, ruediyansheng, yanshengobserved
Microflow SWATH® Acquisition for Industrialized Quantitative Proteomics
2017|SCIEX|Technické články
Microflow SWATH® Acquisition for Industrialized Quantitative Proteomics NanoLC™ 400 System with TripleTOF® 6600 System Christie L Hunter1, Nick Morrice2 1 SCIEX, USA, 2SCIEX, UK Data independent acquisition (DIA) strategies have been used to increase the comprehensiveness of data collection while…
Klíčová slova
swath, swathmicroflow, microflowacquisition, acquisitiontripletof, tripletofspecificity, specificitynanoflow, nanoflowgains, gainsrobustness, robustnessdia, diaprovides, providesaebersold, aebersoldchromxp, chromxpruedi, ruediyansheng, yanshengobserved