Peptide mapping of challenging monoclonal antibodies
Aplikace | 2020 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentace
VýrobceThermo Fisher Scientific
Klíčová slovapepsin, trypsin, peptides, digest, smart, peptide, lane, mapping, hydrophobic, digestion, isolation, cdr, regions, microscans, challenging, detectable, region, thermo, agc, kingfisher, scientific, kits, coverage, hcd, mabs, were, sample, type, magnetic, alternative, ptms, automated, duo, enzymes, activation, missing, proteases, buffer, prime, ion, using, strategies, preparation, settings, resin, slurry, oxidation, stepped, evaluated, mode
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Development of a systematic approach for improving tryptic digestion, recovery and chromatographic performance for mAb analysis![](/static/arrow_down_black.svg)
2023|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
Customer note | 001731 Biopharmaceuticals Development of a systematic approach for improving tryptic digestion, recovery and chromatographic performance for mAb analysis Addressing missed cleavages and optimizing chromatographic performance of hydrophobic peptides in peptide mapping assays Authors Application benefits Dan B.…
Klíčová slova
cleavages, cleavagesmissed, misseddigest, digestguhcl, guhcldigestion, digestionsmart, smartkingfisher, kingfisherpeptides, peptideswash, washcomb, combhydrophobic, hydrophobicpeptide, peptideagc, agcpeak, peakrow
Comparison of alternative approaches to trypsin protein digestion for reproducible and efficient peptide mapping analysis of monoclonal antibodies![](/static/arrow_down_black.svg)
2018|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
APPLICATION NOTE 21782 Comparison of alternative approaches to trypsin protein digestion for reproducible and efficient peptide mapping analysis of monoclonal antibodies Authors Silvia Millán-Martín, Craig Jakes, Noemi Dorival-García, Nicola McGillicuddy, Sara Carillo, Amy Farrell, Jonathan Bones National Institute for Bioprocessing…
Klíčová slova
smart, smartdigest, digestadalimumab, adalimumabdigestion, digestionmagnetic, magneticmodifications, modificationsalternative, alternativepeptide, peptiderapid, rapidmapping, mappingdeamidation, deamidationrelative, relativenistmab, nistmabinduced, inducedsample
Automated chymotrypsin peptide mapping of proteins by LC-MS![](/static/arrow_down_black.svg)
2018|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
APPLICATION NOTE 21834 Automated chymotrypsin peptide mapping of proteins by LC-MS Authors Amy Farrell1, Jonathan Bones1, Ken Cook 2 1 Characterisation and Comparability Laboratory, NIBRT – The National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training, Dublin, Ireland 2 Thermo Fisher Scientific,…
Klíčová slova
chymotrypsin, chymotrypsindigestion, digestionkingfisher, kingfisherbeads, beadslane, lanesomatotropin, somatotropinbead, beadduo, duomagnetic, magnetictrypsin, trypsincleavage, cleavagedigest, digestsmart, smartpeptide, peptidepurification
Easy, fast and reproducible analysis of host cell protein (HCP) in monoclonal antibody preparations![](/static/arrow_down_black.svg)
2019|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
APPLICATION NOTE 21918 Easy, fast and reproducible analysis of host cell protein (HCP) in monoclonal antibody preparations Authors Giorgio Oliviero1, Ken Cook 2, Kai Scheffler3, Florian Füssl1, Jonathan Bones1 1National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training, Dublin, Ireland; 2Thermo Fisher…
Klíčová slova
hcp, hcppeptide, peptidemapping, mappinghcps, hcpshost, hostbead, beadsmart, smartkingfisher, kingfisherlane, lanesetting, settingcell, celldigest, digestmab, mabanalysis, analysischarge