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Direct Analysis of Drug of Abuse by BioSPME

Prezentace | 2015 | MerckInstrumentace
SPME, Příprava vzorků, Spotřební materiál, LC/MS, LC/MS/MS, LC/QQQ
Forenzní analýza a toxikologie
Agilent Technologies, Merck, SCIEX
Klíčová slova
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Comprehensive LC/MS Analysis of Opiates, Opioids, Benzodiazepines, Amphetamines, Illicits, and Metabolites in Urine
Comprehensive LC/MS Analysis of Opiates, Opioids, Benzodiazepines, Amphetamines, Illicits, and Metabolites in Urine Application Note Forensic Toxicology Abstract This application note demonstrates that the Agilent 6420 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS system can be used to simultaneously analyze a wide variety of…
Klíčová slova
positive, positiveunit, unityes, yesret, retdesmethyltramadol, desmethyltramadolhydrocodone, hydrocodonenaltrexone, naltrexonehydromorphone, hydromorphonemorphine, morphinecodeine, codeinecpd, cpdfrag, fragcarisoprodol, carisoprodoloxymorphone, oxymorphonemethamphetamine
Agilent Ultivo ESI for High-Throughput Detection of Drugs in Urine and Serum
Application Note Forensics Agilent Ultivo ESI for High-Throughput Detection of Drugs in Urine and Serum Authors Theresa Sosienski and Jennifer Hitchcock Agilent Technologies, Inc. Abstract This application note describes a seven-minute method for the detection of 68 drugs of abuse…
Klíčová slova
yes, yesserum, serumurine, urineultivo, ultivodesmethyltramadol, desmethyltramadolrelative, relativezolpidem, zolpidemnordiazepam, nordiazepamresponse, responsehydroxybenzoylecgonine, hydroxybenzoylecgonineoxymorphone, oxymorphonefragmentor, fragmentorverapamil, verapamilhydroxymidazolam, hydroxymidazolamtapentadol
Tomorrow’s quantitation with LC-MS/MS: fast screening and quantitation of drugs of abuse in urine for forensic toxicology
TECHNICAL NOTE 65182 Tomorrow’s quantitation with LC-MS/MS: fast screening and quantitation of drugs of abuse in urine for forensic toxicology Authors Kevin McHale, Kerry Hassell, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Somerset, NJ Claudia Martins, Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA Debadeep Bhattacharyya,…
Klíčová slova
abuse, abuseisomers, isomersquantis, quantisdrugs, drugsbuprenorphine, buprenorphinetsq, tsqquantitation, quantitationurine, urinelens, lensmin, minprecursor, precursordextrophan, dextrophanoffered, offeredwindow, windowvanquish
Simultaneous Quantitation of 43 Drugs in Human Urine with a “Dilute-and-Shoot” LC-MS/MS Method
Appli cat i on N ote 5 7 6 Simultaneous Quantitation of 43 Drugs in Human Urine with a “Dilute-and-Shoot” LC-MS/MS Method Xiang He and Marta Kozak, Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA Key Words TSQ Quantum Access MAX, forensic…
Klíčová slova
carisprodol, carisprodolalprazolam, alprazolamhydrocodone, hydrocodonefentanyl, fentanylmorphine, morphineurine, urinebenzylpiperazine, benzylpiperazinemeperidine, meperidineeddp, eddpoxymorphone, oxymorphonehydromorphone, hydromorphonemidazolam, midazolampcp, pcpbenzoylecgonine, benzoylecgoninemdea
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