Tomorrow’s quantitation with the TSQ Fortis mass spectrometer: robust, reproducible quantitation workflows of haloacetic acids, bromate, and dalapon in water according to EPA Method 557
Aplikace | 2018 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentace
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VýrobceThermo Fisher Scientific
Klíčová slovafortis, dalapon, water, mbaa, tcaa, mcaa, dcaa, drinking, tsq, bdcaa, bcaa, dbaa, tbaa, lfmd, haas, bromate, city, mass, spectrometer, were, dbcaa, lfm, eluent, ion, haloacetic, all, thermo, disinfection, chlorine, matrix, source, fortified, acids, triple, tube, qqq, laboratory, hydroxide, concentration, scarce, lens, quadrupole, protonate, groundwaters, temperature, analytes, scientific, chromatography, acted, lssm
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EPA Method 557 – Analysis of Haloacetic Acids, Dalapon, and Bromate in Drinking Water by IC-MS/MS
2015|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
Jonathan R. Beck, Terri Christison, and Hans Schweingruber, Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA Key Words Environmental analysis, ion chromatography, disinfection byproducts, haloacetic acids, HAAs, dalapon, bromate, IC-MS/MS Goal To demonstrate a simple and sensitive IC-MS/MS method for analyzing haloacetic…
Klíčová slova
dalapon, dalapontcaa, tcaahaas, haashaloacetic, haloaceticmbaa, mbaamcaa, mcaadcaa, dcaadbaa, dbaadbcaa, dbcaabdcaa, bdcaatbaa, tbaabcaa, bcaaacids, acidsdrinking, drinkingbromate
Enhanced Performance of a Triple Stage Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer with a Novel Axial Field Collision Cell
2021|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Postery
Enhanced Performance of a Triple Stage Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer with a Novel Axial Field Collision Cell Harald Oser, Claudia Martins, Hans Schweingruber, Oleg Silivra, Michael Ugarov, and Neloni Wijeratne, Thermo Fisher Scientific, 355 River Oaks Pkwy, San Jose, CA 95134,…
Klíčová slova
fortis, fortisdbcaa, dbcaatsq, tsqbdcaa, bdcaambaa, mbaabcaa, bcaadbaa, dbaatbaa, tbaatcaa, tcaamcaa, mcaacollision, collisiondcaa, dcaacell, cellcontinued, continueddalapon
Determination of haloacetic acids, bromate, and dalapon in drinking water using ion chromatography coupled to high-resolution accurate-mass (IC-HRAM) mass spectrometry
2020|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
APPLICATION NOTE 73390 Determination of haloacetic acids, bromate, and dalapon in drinking water using ion chromatography coupled to high-resolution accurate-mass (IC-HRAM) mass spectrometry Authors: Beibei Huang and Jeffrey Rohrer Thermo Fisher Scientific, Sunnyvale, CA Keywords: Dionex ICS-6000, Dionex IonPac AS31…
Klíčová slova
negative, negativedbcaa, dbcaadalapon, dalaponmcaa, mcaatbaa, tbaabdcaa, bdcaambaa, mbaabcaa, bcaadbaa, dbaatcaa, tcaaprm, prmdcaa, dcaabromate, bromatemean, meancoo
Fast determination of nine haloacetic acids, bromate, and dalapon at trace levels in drinking water samples by tandem IC-MS/MS
2020|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Aplikace
APPLICATION NOTE 73343 Fast determination of nine haloacetic acids, bromate, and dalapon at trace levels in drinking water samples by tandem IC-MS/MS Authors: Xin Zhang, Charanjit Saini, Chris Pohl, and Yan Liu Thermo Fisher Scientific, Sunnyvale, CA Keywords: IC-MS/MS, HAA5,…
Klíčová slova
dalapon, dalaponlssm, lssmbdcaa, bdcaawater, watercdbaa, cdbaambaa, mbaatbaa, tbaabcaa, bcaadbaa, dbaabromate, bromatedrinking, drinkingtcaa, tcaamcaa, mcaadcaa, dcaarec