Food Metabolomics Evaluation of Japanese Rice Wine Types Using LC/MS/MS
Aplikace | 2019 | ShimadzuInstrumentace
ZaměřeníPotraviny a zemědělství
Klíčová slovajunmaishu, daiginjoshu, junmai, origarami, rice, zukuri, ginjo, higher, brewer, clarity, amount, aroma, honjozoshu, flavor, strain, color, taste, yeast, alcohol, components, method, contained, metabolomics, sake, glutathione, unique, acid, good, contain, japanese, wine, ginjoshu, junmaidaiginjoshu, junmaiginjoshu, tokubetsujunmaishu, ingredients, food, koji, refreshing, especially, amino, clear, conducted, confirmed, special, scientifically, flow, news, difference, production
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Food Metabolomics Evaluation of Japanese Rice Wine Types Using LC/MS/MS
LAAN-A-LM-E165 Application News No. Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Food Metabolomics Evaluation of Japanese Rice Wine Types Using LC/MS/MS C195 Metabolomics is an increasingly well-known technology for comprehensively analyzing in vivo metabolites. Food metabolomics is an application of this technology. Conventionally,…
Klíčová slova
junmaishu, junmaishudaiginjoshu, daiginjoshujunmai, junmaiorigarami, origaramirice, ricezukuri, zukuriginjo, ginjohigher, higherbrewer, brewerclarity, clarityamount, amountaroma, aromahonjozoshu, honjozoshuflavor, flavorstrain
Science-Based Evaluation and Visualization of Sake Flavors and Providing this Information to Consumers
2023|Shimadzu|Technické články
C190-E302 Technical Report Science-Based Evaluation and Visualization of Sake Flavors and Providing this Information to Consumers Keiko Matsumoto1, 2, Kenichiro Wakayama3, Satomi Kunieda2, and Shinji Kawabata3 Ab stract: One of the appeals of Japanese sake is the wide variety of…
Klíčová slova
junmai, junmaikamikawa, kamikawagoryo, goryoginjo, ginjotokachi, tokachidaiginjo, daiginjosake, sakeyamahai, yamahaikoji, kojiaroma, aromatokubetsu, tokubetsuisoamyl, isoamylflavor, flavortaste, tastesuisei
METABOLOMICS: Applications for Food Safety and Quality Control
|Shimadzu|Brožury a specifikace
METABOLOMICS: Applications for Food Safety and Quality Control Metabolomics is an array of techniques used to comprehensively detect and analyze various metabolites formed in vivo during biological activity. In the food industry, metabolomics is used to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze…
Klíčová slova
acid, acidshu, shumetabolites, metaboliteskynurenine, kynurenineethyl, ethylfutsu, futsujunmai, junmaigeographical, geographicalcysteine, cysteinetryptophan, tryptophandaiginjo, daiginjoaroma, aromasake, sakeuric, uricmethionine
Investigation of Components that Affect Flavors and Visualizing Differences in Tastes
C190-E290 Technical Report Investigation of Components that Affect Flavors and Visualizing Differences in Tastes Keiko Matsumoto1 A b s tra c t: Sensory analysis of food is based on the five senses—taste, smell, touch, sight, and hearing. In recent years,…
Klíčová slova
fukurami, fukuramiwithout, withoutdisaccharide, disaccharidesensory, sensoryacid, acidyeast, yeastisobutanol, isobutanolcytidine, cytidineflavor, flavorcomponents, componentsornithine, ornithineglyoxylic, glyoxylicmalic, malicisobutyl, isobutylisocitric