Analyses of Agricultural Chemicals in Golf Courses Using LC/MS/MS
Aplikace | 2019 | ShimadzuInstrumentace
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Klíčová slovaguideline, trinexapac, default, volumn, value, area, coefficient, hydroxyisoxazole, curve, pause, gas, mobile, cafenstrole, pressure, straight, carbendazim, sensitivity, calibration, triflumizole, range, cid, mrm, rsd, validamycin, phase, rinse, origin, thiophanate, drainage, dwell, transitions, probe, adjusted, golf, agricultural, heating, position, nebulizer, news, harosulfuron, drying, back, pass, dilution, polarity, cyclosulfamron, ethoxysulfron, final, does, methyl
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Analyses of Agricultural Chemicals in Golf Courses Using LC/MS/MS
LAAN-A-LM-E163 Application News No. C193 Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Analyses of Agricultural Chemicals in Golf Courses Using LC/MS/MS In order to prevent water pollution by agricultural chemicals used in golf courses, the Guideline for the Prevention of Water Pollution and…
Klíčová slova
guideline, guidelinetrinexapac, trinexapacdefault, defaultvalue, valuevolumn, volumnarea, areacoefficient, coefficientcurve, curvehydroxyisoxazole, hydroxyisoxazolepause, pausegas, gasmobile, mobilecafenstrole, cafenstrolepressure, pressurestraight
Method Validation for Determining 513 Pesticide Residues in Cucumber Using LCMS-8060NX and 308 Residues by GCMS- TQ8040NX
Application Note No. 93 Method Validation for Determining 513 Pesticide Residues in Cucumber Using LCMS-8060NX and 308 Residues by GCMSTQ8040NX Rakan Saad Abdullah Alajmi 1, Hatim Zaid Ali Alhazmi 1, Sarah Awwadh Sultan Alotaibi 1 Jayachandran Namasivayam 2, Anant V.…
Klíčová slova
methyl, methylisomer, isomersulfone, sulfoneethyl, ethylsulfoxide, sulfoxidersdr, rsdrphorate, phoratemin, mindesethyl, desethylfipronil, fipronilaminocarb, aminocarbdodemorph, dodemorphdisulfoton, disulfotonfenthion, fenthionspirotetramat
Quantification of hormones (E1, E2, EE2) according to the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive using on-line-SPE-HPLC-MS/MS [LCMS-8060NX]
Application News No. SCA-210-060 LCMS Quantification of hormones (E1, E2, EE2) according to the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive using on-line-SPE-HPLC-MS/MS [LCMS-8060NX] Dr. F. Itzel, J. Kerstein, O. Gassner, Dr. T. Teutenberg, Dr. J. Tuerk (IUTA Duisburg-Essen, Germany),…
Klíčová slova
framework, frameworkmin, minratio, ratiowater, waterarea, areaestrone, estronewatch, watchdirective, directiverequirements, requirementsredissolved, redissolvedionfocus, ionfocusspe, spesample, sampleestrogens, estrogenslist
Quantification of 35 pharmaceuticals in surface water by direct injection according to DIN 38407-47 [LCMS-8060]
Application News No. SCA-210-059 LCMS Quantification of 35 pharmaceuticals in surface water by direct injection according to DIN 38407-47 [LCMS-8060] User Benefits Sensitive and robust quantification for routine analysis Method fulfils the criteria of DIN 38407-47 Full…
Klíčová slova
propyphenazone, propyphenazonesulfamethoxazole, sulfamethoxazolegow, gowarea, areagabapentin, gabapentindestrinkwassers, destrinkwassersetofibrate, etofibrategesundheitlicher, gesundheitlicherorientierungswert, orientierungswertroxythromycin, roxythromycintdr, tdrtrinkwasser, trinkwassertrinkwasserqualitaet, trinkwasserqualitaetuba, ubaroutine